If Not Now, When? | Today's the Best Day

If Not Now, When?

Have you ever heard yourself say:

“When I get pregnant… I will be happy.”

“When I get this baby OUT of me… I WILL be happy!”

“When my baby sleeps through the night…I will be soooo happy!”

“When this kid finally goes to school all day…I will be SO happy!”

“When it’s Summer and I have less places to be every single day…. I will be THE happiest!”

“When we make more money…when we buy a bigger house…when we have another baby…when we get to go on vacation…when…when…when…”

But you guys….why not NOW?!

Over the past 7 months, we have been participating in the #BestiesLifeChallenge – where every single month we focus on a word to change our lives and I am SO excited to announce August’s Word of the Month… NOW. 

Because NOW is the time to start living the life you always imagined. Why do we keep having to wait or put things off?!

With it being “Back To School” month, what better time for us to change?! Let’s stop putting things off for another day and just get to work and accomplish our goals! We definitely don’t have to wait for happiness… we can find it RIGHT where we are RIGHT now!

All of us have particular roles and assignments at this time in our lives and I want you to take a minute to think about yours.

It might be to be a mom.

It might be to go to school.

It might be to work super hard.

It might be to be a wife, or a grandma, or an aunt, or to care for you neighbor, or to serve your community. It might be to have patience, to show courage, to be brave or to do something super hard.

Each of us have different “missions” we are on right now and they can change pretty often too. But whatever your role{s} is/are RIGHT NOW…this month we are going to work hard at it. Be all in. Give it all of our heart and energy. And find JOY in the NOW.

We don’t have to wait for something to happen or something to change in order for us to live the life we want to live. I have been there and it’s a hard trap to be in. I know from experience, when you want something REALLY bad it can consume you and make you believe that happiness isn’t possible until your desire is fulfilled.

Let’s focus on the NOW. Let’s find joy TODAY. Let’s achieve our goals, set new schedules, be productive, change our bad habits, serve, love and grow… NOW!

I am so excited for this month’s word and can’t wait to have all of you join me! I LOVE you all {especially if you read this whole novel} and am grateful for our Bestie Squad!

If you are in for the challenge this month to focus on the NOW – head over to my Instagram photo and put 3 BLACK HEARTS as a little code to tell me you read this and are in!

xoxo Danielle

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