Have you ever moved to a new state before? It is a crazy, exhausting, scary, overwhelming experience. Packing up everything you own and leaving everything & everyone that you’ve ever known is a LOT!
I had lived in Las Vegas almost my entire life – 25 years to be exact. So moving to Utah was exciting, but nerve-racking! In fact, it is kind of hard to explain ALL the feels that I was feeling!
Now, I want to take you back to one of the scariest days of my life. We had JUST moved here – and when I say JUST, I am talking like mayyyybe one or two weeks in is all! I didn’t know a single person, besides my sister. I barely knew how to get to the grocery store without Google Maps. And I definitely didn’t know how to get to the nearest hospital – but boy did I learn quickly.

We were getting my girl ready for Kindergarten. I still remember how excited she was. She LOVES school and couldn’t wait to meet new friends & her new teacher since we had moved in the middle of the school year. – but you never know when an emergency is going to happen.
I was brushing her hair, while Hunter was playing with blocks near us – when suddenly he started coughing. Every time he coughed I would get so nervous because of his hospitalization and asthma attack he had had just a few months prior.
“You okay, buddy?” I asked.
And his cough wasn’t stopping. He physically couldn’t stop.
I swiftly picked him up from playing and did everything I thought I could do to try to help him, but nothing was working.
“NOT AGAIN!” I yelled.
You never know how you are going to respond in a crisis until it happens to you.
I put him into the car and said a prayer out loud as I began driving. He was struggling and I had to get him help quick.
I looked up the nearest hospital, luckily found it easily and quickly – and walked inside holding my little boy with tears in my eyes.
“PLEASE HELP ME!” I said to the front desk women.
They guided me quickly to the back where they were able to give him a shot in his leg and hook him up to oxygen. Just a few seconds later he was able to take a BIG gasp of air.
…and I sobbed. He was okay.

It was at that moment I knew he needed more help than he was being given. I wasn’t always going to be by an electric outlet to give him a breathing treatment. I needed to find a better solution!
And THAT is when I found the OMRON MicroAir Mesh Nebulizer – the life changing, PORTABLE nebulizer that fits in my purse! I can’t describe how grateful I am for this device that has saved our life and provides a DAILY peace of mind for me. I now know, no matter where we are off to, that my boy will have the treatment he needs in case of an emergency.
Not only is the nebulizer battery operated, but it is virtually silent – seriously as quiet as can be! AND of course the child mask that keeps it on him at any angle is a blessing. It is also the easiest to clean!

You can check out OMRON’s nebulizer HERE for more information and to grab one for you today with the code AMZNGOMRON for 10% off at justnebulizers.com until February 20! I couldn’t recommend it more and am adding it to our #BestieMUSTS right now for all of my fellow asthmatic mamas out there!
Ladies, PLEASE let me know if you have any questions or if there is anything I can help you with when it comes to being an asthmatic mom – we are ALL in this together!
Special thanks to OMRON Healthcare for being a sponsor of Today’s The Best Day! Although we were compensated for this article, all opinions are my own.