Online Community for Women | Today's the Best Day


I have been thinking a lot about motherhood lately and how different “motherhood” looks for each of us. Every woman is so unique.Every child is so different.All of our trials.All of our celebrations.All of our experiences.All of our situations.EVERYTHING.It is all so personal and individual and special to US. But one thing I think we […] Read more…

Online Community for Moms | Today's the Best Day

30 Day Water Challenge

Hey Ladies!! It’s a new month – which means it is time for a new CHALLENGE and I could not be more excited!! There are so many ways that we can help our bodies and minds be healthier! In fact there are so many, that it can feel overwhelming to not know where to begin […] Read more…

Online Community for Moms | Today's the Best Day

MARCH: Word of the Month – GROW

Have you ever thought about a flower and how much it goes through before it blooms?  Every beautiful, perfect, incredible flower must GROW through dirt. LITERAL DIRT, you guys.  Through the ugly. Through the rough. Through the smelly.  These flowers grow into something so beautiful. It may take a lot of time.It may take a lot of […] Read more…

Online Community for Moms | Today's the Best Day

A Letter To The Asthmatic Mamas

Over the past few months as I have been sharing our story and battle with asthma, I have received COUNTLESS messages & emails from so many of you that also have someone with asthma in your family – whether it’s a child, a spouse or even some of YOU, yourselves. I have also talked to […] Read more…

Online Community for Moms | Today's the Best Day

Introducing: The Bestie BOOSTER

Our Bestie theme for 2021 is “CHOOSE to SHINE” and every month we have a different “word of the month” that we focus on to get us closer to that goal of SHINING a little brighter in this sometimes dark and crazy world. For January, our word is FOCUS – “FOCUS on the good stuff!” […] Read more…

Online Community for Moms | Today's the Best Day

FOCUS on the Good Stuff

SO excited to kick off the January with our Bestie Word of the Month: FOCUS! Throughout the next few weeks we will be doing a few exercises and challenges to help us focus on the good stuff in our lives and get rid of the negative things that are weighing us down! To begin – […] Read more…

Online Community for Moms | Today's the Best Day


“But what if I can’t? What if I can’t find the light at the end of the darkest tunnel?” I said just a few months ago as I battled prenatal depression. It was almost as if a fog was clouding my vision and all I could see was darkness. I was sicker than a freakin […] Read more…

Online Community for Moms | Today's the Best Day

Bestie Squad Survey 2021

Hey GIRL!! {CLICK HERE to go straight to our Bestie Survey!} Happy New Year! I am feeling SO refreshed & PUMPED for 2021, are you?! As you all know, I struggled big in 2020 {like so many of us !!} but am grateful for time to heal, change & grow through difficult times. My mind […] Read more…

Online Community for Moms | Today's the Best Day

Dear 2020 Baby

Dear 2020 Baby – You have been born during a worldwide pandemic, something I didn’t even know was an actual thing until ten months ago. It’s been a year of unknowns for this world. A time of Confusion. Hardships. Heartache. Quarantine. Masks. Food storage. Fighting. Pain. Trials. Loneliness. Frustration. Sadness. & Disappointments. And now as […] Read more…

Online Community for Moms | Today's the Best Day

OMRON CompAir Compressor Nebulizer For Kids

I still remember the moment. The first time we had to get a nebulizer for our boy. He was only 4 months old but had been having trouble breathing and just wasn’t getting better. After weeks of being diagnosed with a “croupy cough” and meeting with two different doctors for their opinions, we decided it […] Read more…

Online Community for Moms | Today's the Best Day

To The Mom Who Is Awake At 2am

I couldn’t sleep. Being 9 months pregnant, I am to the point where I toss and turn from one side to the other trying to get into a comfortable position. I feel like everything hurts. My back is aching. My muscles are tight. My feet are swollen. My eyes are tired. My belly is large. […] Read more…

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