7 Ways To Save Money This Christmas

“What’s your favorite holiday?” Ask a group of children (or adults), and the answer is often the same: “Christmas!” It’s mine, for sure! Because Christmas means so many things: warmth, love, family, faith, traditions … And gifts. Which leads to my next question. “What holiday do you find the most stressful?” For many adults, the […] Read more…

9 Lies Moms Are Guilty Of Telling Themselves

I’m a mom. I’m a wife. I’m a 20-something woman. And I am SO guilty of comparing my life to other people’s lives pretty often. It is definitely something I believe that a lot of women experience. Whether we compare our weight, our clothes, our money, our parenting, the cleanliness of our houses, how amazing […] Read more…

Almond Pulp Fudge – Recipe

I first came across Today’s The Best Day a few months ago when I had begun monetizing my blog and was looking around the web for inspiration and blogging guidance.  At first glance, TTBD has nothing to do with me!  I’m not married, a mother, or Mormon, but there was something about the site that […] Read more…

My Wife is JUST a Mom

You’ve probably had a conversation similar to this before: “Hey! How have you been? I haven’t seen you in forever!” “Ya, it has been a while, good to see you.” “It sure has. How’s your family? Is your wife still just at home with the little one?” “They’re all great, ya she’s at home full […] Read more…

Pumpkin Seeds – Giveaway

Congratulations to the winner of this Giveaway! We had such a great response and you all LOVED Pumpkin Seeds so much, that they are offering ALL of Today’s The Best Day followers 20% OFF for 24 hours! Use code: TTBD20PS at check-out! These make GREAT Christmas gifts for your friends and family! Stock up today! […] Read more…

The Truth Behind The Helicopter Mom

You know that mom who just can’t seem to let go of their child’s hand on the playground? You know that mom that runs to their baby’s side as soon as another baby steals their toy? You know that mom who is worried sick about their kid climbing up the stairs at the park because […] Read more…

Mom Meet Mom – Interview

As a first-time mom, I have learned the importance of FRIENDS and being a part of a group of moms that have been or are currently going through exactly what I go through on a daily basis. Talking to other moms helps me become a better mom. Having playdates and meeting moms at the park […] Read more…

How To Avoid Weight Gain During The Holidays

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” – Doesn’t that just make you want to start singing Christmas carols?! I LOVE this season and I am so excited for everything it brings! The decorations, the clothes, the family time, the love, the happiness… and of course I am SO looking forward to the holidays this […] Read more…

Healing After A Miscarriage

Our story begins on June 7, 2009 – We were going to help our good friends move into their new apartment. We had been married about seven months and were loving our lives. Babies were not even on our mind! I woke up that morning not feeling well. I remember I was feeling pretty nauseated every night […] Read more…

All Moms Need Friends

I have always been a people person. I love to socialize and visit with friends. I love to go on lunch dates, dinner dates… oh, I even love to go on breakfast dates too! I have always been that girl who strikes up a conversation with the woman behind me in line at the grocery […] Read more…

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