Hey Girl!!
AHH! You have no idea how grateful I am for you!! I have so many incredible ideas for our Bestie Squad – I can’t wait to take everything we have going on, up a notch! But of course, I can’t do it without YOU!!
I am excited to choose 10 BESTIES to personally call over the next 2 weeks and talk about all things relationships & friendships with you – so you can help me build something incredible for women like you and I who feel alone. Who struggle to see their self worth. Who are having a hard time finding the bright side and staying positive.
If you are interested in hopping on a 10 minute phone call/skype session with me – PLEASE CLICK HERE to fill out our form! If you are chosen for the phone call, you will receive an email by the end of the week to schedule our meeting time.
Thank you so much for being a BESTIE!! I seriously LOVE YOU!!
xoxo Danielle
April 25, 2019 at 8:09 pm (6 years ago)Hi! I moved to Southern California about 8 months ago after living in Vegas for 16 years. I have never felt so alone! Thankfully I have an 18 month old to since my other 2 are at school. And to no one’s fault, when you move your friendships back home find a gap.
April 25, 2019 at 2:25 am (6 years ago)Hey Sweet girl!!!

First I just want to say how much I Adore you. You are so genuine & kind & well, just pure Sunshine!
Second, I don’t expect you to choose me to call, but I would LOVE, to see some kind of a platform for older besties, I know as an older woman, you can feel so alone & isolated. So many blogs, insta accounts, groups ect…. attract a younger group of ladies, moms raising their littles or young women trying to figure out marriage & motherhood, life, insecurities, doing good, being grateful. Not that older women have all the answers & of course times are different, but, we have been there, done that, felt that. And hopefully, all the young women, wives, mothers will make it to middle age & mature age too. So there is a wealth of in-tapped knowledge & experience there. TV shows, movies, ads, magazines, for the most part are so ageist & portray aging in such a negative way, so many cultures celebrate & honor older generations , but for whatever reasons it seems to be something to fear, disregard & try to erase here in the States. Too many people feel uncomfortable around people with an age difference to great, the mind set seems to be we would have nothing in common, we wouldn’t be able to connect on any level, what could we possibly talk about. We have body issues & insecurities too, not stretch marks, baby weight, acne, fitness level or can I pull off the latest style clothing or hair, but, middle age Hormonal weight, thinning hair, saggy crepe skin, muscle loss, & who cares if this is in style or not, I’m going to wear it anyway.
I personally have always loved surrounding myself with people from a range of different ages. I feel as though it makes me a much more well rounded person. I think that each generation has so much to offer me, why would I want to deny myself that opportunity. Feeling lonely, isolated, a need for a group of supportive friends is not just for the younger generation. Why is it we tend to feel more comfortable with people similar, rather than opening ourselves up to all the wonderful & Amazing people out there, who by just being different from ourselves may bring an abundance of knowledge, love, support, wisdom & fun into our lives? Sorry I didn’t mean to be on a soapbox but I’m passionate about multi-generational friendship. Just try to imagine yourself 20-30 years down the road, all the minutes, days, weeks, years you’ve invested in be a Mom, you’ve done a job well done your kids are adults, venturing off to find their path in life, you have less & less hands on mothering that is needed, and you find you’re struggling to find your new identity, in this new chapter of your life. You can feel very displaced, lost, lonely. As you find your new normal, it’s nice to be reminded by younger women of all the joys & struggles you went through to get to where you are, and it’s nice to be reminded by older women, you still have value & worth & all the new wonderful adventures you have waiting for you, then when you surround yourself with the elder geriatric women, you are so humbled by their strength, you find such a deep compassion for their struggles and a deep empathy for all the little things in life that they can no longer do or enjoy, that we take for granite.
I hope this makes sense & not like the ramblings of an “older” crazy lady. It’s hard to put these feelings into writing!
Any Who, keep doing what you are doing, keep being your sweet, genuine self and bring women together to love & support one another, lift & inspire each other & have fun, be grateful & doing good in the world.
You’re Amazing!
Again I’m sorry I didn’t mean to write you a novel but you always inspire me & you lit a fire under my bum
Also hopefully this isn’t weird & I don’t know what part of Utah you moved to, but if you ever need an ear to listen, a shoulder to cry on or a friend to give you a hug, a Favorite soda & an Oreo, I’m available.
Love & Hugs,