Pregnant with Twins? 5 Must-Have Items for Your Pair of Babies | Today's the Best Day

Pregnant with Twins? 5 Must-Have Items for Your Pair of Babies

Twin pregnancies are special and have some important gear and item requirements that help expecting parents manage their bundles of joy. Twins come with special requirements so that parents can properly care for two infants simultaneously. Here are five must-have items to keep your pair of babies happy and healthy.


Photography by Brittany Busk Photography 

Portable Travel Lite Cribs
There are several types of bassinets and play yards for babies. However, with twins you can opt for a twin play-yard/crib or a single. The twin versions often sag in the middle and have issues maintaining the weight of the growing cherubs. It is better to get two smaller travel cribs like the Graco Travel Lite Crib. These also convert to play yards when the babies are big enough and need a safe place to be placed. Remember you have to keep two happy!

PREGNANT WITH TWINS? Your Pair of Babies

Bouncer Seats or Exersaucer
It is difficult to keep two babies happy at once! Having a bouncy seat or exersaucer that will entertain one or both babies is a must have item. Whether you are in need of a few moments to prepare a meal, care for one baby at a time or just have a bit to eat – these entertaining seats and activity seats are indispensable to a new parent.

PREGNANT WITH TWINS? Your Pair of Babies

A Great Double Stroller
The biggest mistake a twin parent can make is in the purchase of a stroller. Babies grow quickly. It is best to choose a stroller that well manage well as they gain wait and will maneuver easily. A jogging stroller like a Baby Trend Navigator may be a bit bulky, but you will be thankful as the babies reach weights that make other strollers more difficult to maneuver. Many of the jogging strollers will have infant seat adaptors to allow them to turn into travel systems. While a high-quality stroller might be high for costs, you can search different online based shopping sites like Amazon or Overstock for the best price. You can also get coupons here for codes such as free shipping to cut down on prices as well.

PREGNANT WITH TWINS? Your Pair of Babies

Infant Car Seats with Higher Weight Limits
The biggest mistake a twin parent can make it to purchase a car seat that will not last very long. Car seats are expensive, so choose one that you will get some life out of. Graco, Chicco and Britax are a few names that make 30-35 pound max weight limit infant seats. In the long rung they will help you maintain an infant seat far longer. The only other option is a convertible seat, but with twins you often have smaller infants that need the dedicated infant seat.

PREGNANT WITH TWINS? Your Pair of Babies

The choices can be overwhelming but take your time when picking out these must have items. They are essential to your management of two infants. The right gear makes a huge difference in your ability to have a peaceful transition into parenting your babies.

Rachelle Wilber HeadshotRachelle Wilber is a freelance writer living in the San Diego, California area. She graduated from San Diego State University with her Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and Media Studies. She tries to find an interest in all topics and themes, which prompts her writing. When she isn’t on her porch writing in the sun, you can find her shopping, at the beach, or at the gym. You can connect with Rachelle on Twitter and Facebook

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