I have always loved uplifting quotes. Whether I hear one on TV, read one on social media or hear one over the pulpit at church, I like to save it. Through the years, I have collected a lot of uplifting quotes that have helped me get through some of the hardest times! Some have lifted me up, some have given me hope and some have brought me comfort.
Today I wanted to share with you 5 of my most favorite quotes on motherhood. Each of these have helped me and have encouraged me and I hope they do the same for you.You may call me a “worry wart,” but I won’t even be offended because I know I am! I seriously am so paranoid of everything. I don’t want Laila to get hurt or be in any harms way, so I find myself being super protective. The following quote is SO true – I deal with a new fear everyday as a mom, but I love in return that I find new strengths and am able to do things that I never knew I could do. Motherhood definitely stretches us.
This quote reminded me of the article, “The Changes a Baby Brings.” Sometimes we worry about what we aren’t going to be able to do once we have children, forgetting to remember the things we DO get to experience once we have them. They change our lives and I would have it no other way.
I love talking to Laila. I love telling her everything I love about her. I normally go through every little feature on her body and tell her why I like it. I normally touch her hair and say I love how soft it is. I touch her eyes and tell her how pretty her blue eyes are. I rub our noses together and tell her I love her little button nose. I kiss her lips and tell her I love her perfect lips. I tickle her ears and tell her I love her little ears. We count her fingers and then we count her toes. When I have these moments with her, she just sits there and listens to me. I have done it since the day she was born and I like to think that she is finally starting to understand what I am saying. She will always be my baby!
This quote has brought me a lot of comfort. I have learned that every mom has an opinion and thinks their way is the right way. I love that this quote teaches us that every situation is unique and different; and only YOU as the mom truly knows whats best for your family and your particular situation. There is no PERFECT way to be a good mom, but I can always try my best.
I have witnessed this first hand. Everyone always told me to “Enjoy it! They grow so fast!” But I didn’t understand that full heartedly until this year. It is TRUE! I feel like Laila should be my little newborn and she is definitely not that anymore. She is so adventurous and it is hard for me to get just a few minutes of cuddle time in each day. Enjoy it! They grow so fast!
I want to hear from YOU! Do you have a favorite Motherhood Quote? Maybe a quote that got you through a bad day, something that made you laugh or inspired you to be a better mother? Share with me your favorite quotes in the comment section below OR on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram using #BestDayQuotes. I know as we share our favorites, we will be uplifted together!
I hope you keep track of your favorite things that you hear! Write them down or take a picture, then save them someone you will remember to look when you feel sad. You will be surprised how handy they come in on some of your darkest days. A simple quote can really lift our spirits and help us become happier when we most need it!
June 2, 2017 at 4:18 pm (8 years ago)Hi Danielle. Parenting can have lots of challenges, so thank you for sharing uplifting content! We all yearn for hope and you’re giving us grace through the words in your posts.
My thought to live by is “We are blessed with children to challenge us to be better people, to seek His voice of wisdom & grace. ‘Ask and ye shall receive’. We weren’t meant to do it on our own.” To that point, thank you for what you’re contributing to make our days better.
Niccole Jensen
April 3, 2017 at 10:48 am (8 years ago)great parenting stuff. I am a single mom to teenage twin daughters. I love your tips