How To Ride The Motherhood Roller Coaster | Today's the Best Day

How To Ride The Motherhood Roller Coaster

“Please watch your step as you board. Secure any loose articles that may fall during the ride. Once seated please pull down on the lap bar as far as it will go, an attendent will be by to check you momentarily. Please remain seated, keeping your hands, arms, feet and legs inside the train at all times. Thank you and enjoy your ride.”

You know that feeling you get in your stomach right before a roller coaster ride takes off? Your nerves start going crazy and you start saying a little prayer in your heart that you will survive. And then all of the sudden – you shoot off and you have the time of your life! You hang on tight, but then you get comfortable and let your hands go. The wind blows in your face, sometimes taking your breath away. You may get a headache, wondering when it will end..But then suddenly, you’re at the end of the track and the roller coaster comes to a stop. You look around with a smile on your face, so proud that YOU DID IT! And all you want to do now, is get back in line and do it all over again.

I was 36 weeks pregnant and SO over my pregnancy. Don’t get me wrong – I was SO grateful to have the opportunity of being pregnant and being a mom – but I was huge and uncomfortable. I was also very tired of the very thought of Mexican Food making me want to vomit. {My mind wanted chips and salsa, but my body didn’t!} I had been on bed rest for many months and all I wanted was one thing – the baby to come OUT!

For 36 weeks I had been preparing for the little baby inside of me. I was beyond ready to be a mom! I couldn’t wait to see my little miracle girl that had been kicking my insides and doing gymnastics around my rib cage for many months. Even though I felt ready and excited – I suddenly had that feeling in my stomach. You know – that same feeling we talked about that you get in your stomach before the roller coaster ride takes off? My nerves were getting the best of me! Am I REALLY ready for this? Am I going to LIVE through labor? Is my baby going to be okay? Am I going to be a good mom?

Two weeks later, I found myself laying in a hospital bed. One moment we were a family of two and all of the sudden, our lives shot off and we became a family of three. I held on tight for the roller coaster I was about to be on – The Roller Coaster of Motherhood!

How To Ride The Motherhood Roller Coaster

If you are getting ready to hop on this roller coaster – or if you have been riding this ride for many years, you have a fun adventure ahead of you! Here are 7 things to keep in mind as you go through the journey of Motherhood.

1. BUCKLE UP – As you do on any roller coaster, remember safety first! You will never feel 100% ready to have a baby, but you can always prepare. Take care of yourself. Organize your home. Try to get rest {even though I know that is nearly impossible}. And get ready for the ride of your life!

Even after you are already on the roller coaster, remember to never unbuckle. You were made for this! You are a woman! You can do anything! Stay seated and keep that buckle on – it may throw you for some loops, but stay strong and you will get through it.

2. PUT ALL LOOSE ITEMS AWAY – Everyone… and when I say everyone, I mean EVERYONE – has a different opinion about almost everything when it comes to parenting. Whether you are looking for advice on nursing, co-sleeping, sleep training, binkies, bottles, spanking, tantrums, organizing, diapers, wipes, cleaning, soaps, shampoos, schedules, {you get the point – the list goes on and on} a mom will have an opinion on what they think is best.

You know what is best for YOUR family. If you don’t like what someone says to you, put them away. Don’t let them bother you. Do your very best with what you know. And the great thing is – our babies love us, even if we make mistakes!

3. KEEP YOUR HANDS AND LEGS IN AT ALL TIMES – Just like other moms will probably tell you what to do and how many things you are doing wrong – make sure you are not quick to judge and that you are kind to others. Every mom is going through the same thing – SURVIVAL. We try to take care of these children the best we can and all we really need is some support sometimes.

Don’t gossip. Don’t be mean. Don’t criticize. Let’s all be friends and uplift each other as we try to raise this future generation!

4. CAUTION: YOU MAY GET WET: The Motherhood Roller Coaster can get a little out of control and you might get a little wet. Through trials and disappointments, through struggles and bad days – tears might be a common thing you will see. Tears of your own and tears of others.

Moms are the best boo-boo kissers when tears are coming out of little one’s eyes. Moms are the best comforters when tears are coming out of teenager’s eyes. Moms are the best friends when tears are coming out of an adult’s eyes. AND sometimes tears even come out of mom’s eyes.

5. SOMETIMES YOU JUST HAVE TO SCREAM: Sometimes screams on roller coasters are because you are having fun and sometimes screams on roller coasters are because you are scared out of your mind!

Motherhood is scary. Sometimes you don’t know what to do. And sometimes you don’t even know if you will get through the day. And at those times – it’s okay to be upset. Motherhood is also fun. And sometimes it is so fun, you scream because you are so excited and having the time of your life!

6. IT’S MORE FUN WITH A FRIEND – I rode on a roller coaster all by myself one time. We thought if we went in the “Single Riders” line it would be faster than waiting the whole time – so we went for it. That was when I learned that roller coasters are SO much more fun with friends! I couldn’t be myself when I was alone. I felt like I couldn’t scream my head off or talk about how much fun I had.

Moms need friends. Whether your “friend” is a spouse, your mom, a neighbor or a real friend – talk to them. Seek help. It is completely fine and necessary to ask for assistance. We can’t do this alone. It is important to talk about your life and how your day was. It is important for you to ask someone to come over and help with your kids because you just need a minute to calm down. Ask for help when you need it – every mom has been there.

7. THROW YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR – Once you get comfortable on a roller coaster, it is easier to throw your hands in the air and enjoy the ride. When you let go of the handle bars, it just makes the ride that more fun!

Sometimes as a mom, we just have to throw our hands in the air! The dishes can wait. The floors can be vacuumed or mopped later. For now – have fun! Enjoy the moment! Play with your kids and don’t worry about your list of things to do.

Just like all roller coasters, the motherhood roller coaster will eventually slow down and you will have a smile on your face and look back on the track and wonder how it went so quickly! You then will want to get back in line and do it all over again.

You may also like 15 Moms You Will Meet At Playgroup , The Impact of a Mom and What Does The Name Mom Mean?

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3 Comments on How To Ride The Motherhood Roller Coaster

  1. Angie Agerter
    August 11, 2014 at 7:19 pm (11 years ago)

    This was such a cute way to describe the motherhood rollercoaster. I am not a mother, but I have been around little kids and toddlers my whole and it so rings true 🙂

  2. Vidya Sudarsan
    August 9, 2014 at 7:31 pm (11 years ago)

    I love the way you have described this one and only amazing motherhood roller coaster ride!! beautiful!

  3. FamiGami
    August 9, 2014 at 12:26 am (11 years ago)

    The mommy coaster is one heck of a ride. You can only ride it once so make the most of it and enjoy it from start to finish!


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