Show The Love | Today's the Best Day

Show The Love

Show The Love

Happy Valentine’s Day to ALL of you!! I just LOVE each and every one of you for supporting me and following this journey of motherhood. I hope each of you are having a wonderful day!

It is interesting to see how much Valentine’s Day has changed for me in the past 26 years.

AGES 1-5: My mom and dad showed so much love to me and my siblings every year growing up! I remember waking up to pink pancakes in the shapes of hearts with pink milk in a pink heart cup. The Love Bug would come and bring us special surprises. Valentine’s Day was all about my family!

AGES 5-12: Picking out my favorite Valentine Cards each year was always so fun! After looking at the wall covered in different cards, I remember choosing these scratch and sniff animal ones – Oh I LOVED them! They smelt so good! I remember staying up late and helping my mom tie little bags of candy for all of my classmates and loved making my Valentine Mail Box for everyone to put their treats in. Valentine’s Day was all about my classmates!

AGES 12-16: At this point in my life I was pretty cool…almost too cool for Valentine’s Day. I do remember hoping and praying that someone would buy me one of those little sucker Valentine Grams at school they sold for fundraisers. It was fun to buy them for my friends and receiving them in return during different class periods. We loved seeing how many we got by the end of the day. Valentine’s Day was all about my friends!

AGES 17-19: I fell in love this year, so Valentine’s Day was extra special! I remember getting roses in every period, coming home to my bedroom decorated in rose petals and going on fun dates with my new love! We had the time of our lives and made so many memories, but of course always came home before curfew! Valentine’s Day was all about my boyfriend! 

AGES 19-21: My boyfriend left to serve a mission for our church in Cambodia, so these Valentine’s Days were spent alone. I remember missing Tyson so much and wanting to be with him so bad! Valentine’s morning rolled around and I got into my car to go to work and on my seat was a balloon and a note, “To Dani Girl.” I opened it up and it was a note from my dad telling me how much he loved me. I cried! I love my dad and he made that Valentine’s Day so special to me. It is something I will always remember him doing for me. Valentine’s Day was about my dad! 

AGES 22-24: Tyson returned home from his mission and we got married six weeks later! Our first few Valentine’s Days as a newly married couple were celebrated with flowers, massages and notes of love! We loved (and still love) going on creative dates and creating fun surprises for each other! Valentine’s Day was about my husband! 

Ages 25-26: Our sweet baby joined our family and we have been blessed to have her for the past 2 Valentine’s Days. It has been fun being the MOM and The Love Bug! It has been my favorite thing showing my love to my two best friends. I make them breakfast, the love bug brings them gifts, I heart attacked Tyson’s car and Laila and I will be spending the afternoon delivering her Valentine’s treats (that I stayed up until midnight making last night because I am a procrastinator) to her daddy’s work and neighborhood friends! Valentine’s Day is about my family! 

What makes this process so fascinating to me is to recognize that life has brought me in a full circle. We each go through different stages in life and are constantly changing. At times, I thought showing my love to my friends was more important than showing love to my family. Don’t get me wrong – friends are so important and it is good to show them love, but on this special day of Valentine’s Day, I encourage you to show love to your family. Through my whole circle of life that we each will go through, I am back to knowing that FAMILY is what is most important.

This video is for you DAD’s on this Valentine’s Day. If you are struggling knowing what to get your wife or daughter to show them your love – watch this. It will give you an idea.

The GREATEST gift a dad can give his daughter, is to love her mother. (Tweet This)

I hope each of you remember what this Valentine’s Day is about. It isn’t about how many roses we get or how many chocolates we get to eat (although those are really fun and yummy!) It is truly about showing love to our families and making sure they know that we are their number one fans.

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4 Comments on Show The Love

  1. Lisa Jones
    February 16, 2014 at 4:11 pm (11 years ago)

    Thank You For Sharing Your Journey Thru The Yrs Beautiful!

  2. Ashley S
    February 15, 2014 at 2:44 am (11 years ago)

    What a sweet and thoughtful post 🙂


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