“Where is your shoe?” I asked as I closed my eyes and took a deep breath lifting her into the car.
This was now the third time in three minutes that we lost track of something. First it was my keys that I let her play with {mistake number one} as I was grabbing some snacks to keep in my purse for our day out running errands.
Then it was my phone {probably shouldn’t admit this} that was actually in my hand the entire time and I didn’t realize it.
And now… it was her shoe. Her shoe that I could have sworn was on her thirty seconds prior to that moment. Her shoe that I put on with my own two hands, so I know was on her at one point that morning. Her shoe that seems to always come off her foot between our front door and car door.
As I ran back out to the car after finding the missing shoe, two big blue eyes looked up at me and sweetly and oh so calmly said, “Sorry, Mom. Thanks for my shoe. You’re the best! I love you,” as she climbed into carseat and attempted to buckle it up herself.
And suddenly my quick-tempered, heated and exhausted, stressed out and Nervous Nancy feelings were calmed by that little voice and perfect gesture.
It was a mommy win.
You know those small “wins” us moms experience that make us want to have a party?! Those “wins” that are victorious! Those “wins” that make us feel like we are on top of the world! Those “wins” that make us feel like we must be doing something right?!
Small Wins are a mom’s best friend. And I can guarantee you if a mom experiences any of these 10 “WINS” she is sure to celebrate!
“Sometimes we get so caught up in trying to accomplish something big, that we fail to notice the little things that give life it’s magic.”
Photos by Brittany Busk Photography
1. FIVE MINUTES OF QUIET TIME: Just five minutes. It doesn’t need to be anymore than that. Between carpool and dinner, play time and story time – moms celebrate the few minutes of peace and quiet they receive here and there. It doesn’t come often, but when it comes, it is a WIN.
2. SHOWERING WITHOUT AN AUDIENCE: Something that most men and women take for granted. For a mom it seems like the moment she gets into the water, someone is crying, someone is at the door, someone needs something to be opened, someone needs a treat right then and there and can NOT wait one more second. But that day will come when she will be able to take a ten minute shower without any interruptions and to her it will feel like heaven. And if she actually gets to WASH her hair while in there? Well, that is what we call a DOUBLE win.
3. PEACEFUL GROCERY STORE OUTINGS: Next time you are at the store, check out the moms down each aisle. There will be the mom in a hurry who knows what she needs and is on a specific mission to accomplish. There will be the mom chatting on her phone as her children go up and down the aisles screaming. There will be the mom opening packages and reading books, trying to distract her children as best as possible. And there will be that mom who has it completely under control with a child who is sitting in their cart so nicely for longer than five minutes… and inside of her heart she is saying, “WINNING!”
4. THE CHECK-LIST CROSS-OFF: There are only 3 cups in the sink that need to be washed? The pile of laundry isn’t hitting the ceiling? Dinner was delicious? There is no greater feeling than the mom win and power of crossing something off her to-do list.
5. POTTY WINS: Moms have seen it all – and cleaned it all. So when their kid makes it to the bathroom on their own, it’s a win. Or when someone else offers to change the diaper, it’s a double win. Or when it smelt like it was going to be a nasty one, but she opens it up and it isn’t as bad as she thought, it’s a major win.
6. ARRIVING ONLY FIVE MINUTES LATE: You know, only being five minutes late rather twenty or thirty? As a mom is racing out the door trying to get here and there, something is 99% guaranteed to happen. i.e.: refer to story of missing shoe above. Whether it’s a fight with the toddler vs carseat or not being able to find something or being distracted with other things that take up too much time, moms can show up to your appointment with them being pretty late. But the day she arrives only five minutes late is quite the accomplishment, so make sure you give her some credit.
7. GETTING FIVE HOURS OF UNINTERRUPTED SLEEP: A newborn baby wakes up every two hours. As they get older they wake up every four, every five or every six hours. But many people mistakingly forget that once the baby stage is over, a mom still gets woken up. Between stomachs aching and bad dreams – a full nights sleep is a reason to celebrate, no matter how old her kids are!
8. HEARING THREE SIMPLE WORDS: And you know what they are. Is there anything better than hearing those little words come out of a child’s mouth? “I love you.” No matter where she is or what she is doing, those words are the best “winning” moment for her. And suddenly, nothing else really matters.
9. BEDTIME. NEED I SAY MORE: No explanation needed. If you are a mom, you know the word bedtime is a win for us all.
10. MAKING IT THROUGH ANOTHER DAY: And just like that, no matter how many tears were shed, stories were read, naps weren’t taken, hair was pulled, pillows were screamed in and patience was tested… she won. Because she’s a mom. And a mom who makes it through a crazy day of highs and lows, is the biggest winner of them all.
Because being a mom, is the biggest WIN of all.
“Mom: The glue that holds everything together, even when she feels like she may fall apart.”