25 Ways To Spice Up Your Marriage In 5 Minutes | Today's the Best Day

25 Ways To Spice Up Your Marriage In 5 Minutes

Whether you have been married for one day or you are celebrating your 70th Wedding Anniversary, we all could probably agree that adding a little spice to our relationships is always a good thing. So often we get into our daily routines and schedules, that we slowly see our husbands and wives being put on the back burner.

After being married for a few years and the babies start joining the family, things can definitely change. You may feel exhausted and just too tired to show love to your husband – I know the feeling! It is that feeling of hitting your head on your pillow, closing your eyes and all of the sudden the baby is crying and it is time to wake up and do it all over again! Sometimes days, even weeks, can go by and you suddenly find yourself wondering if your husband knows you still love him or if he even remembers who you are!

In marriage, it is up to US, the husbands and wives, to keep the love alive! It is up to US to not let work, school, friends or even babies get in the way of our happily every afters. One thing about marriage, is that it should be FUN! It should be exciting! Whether you are newlyweds, have five kids at home or are empty nesters, it is time to spice up your marriage! It is time to show your man that you love him more today, than you did yesterday!

25 Ways To Spice Up Your Marriage in 5 Minutes

Here are 25 WAYS TO SPICE UP YOUR MARRIAGE IN JUST 5 MINUTES! These are SIMPLE, easy things you can do for your man to show him your love is still alive and that you want and need him!

1. GIVE A REAL KISS: I am not talking about the little pecks of hellos and goodbyes…I am talking about REALLY kissing him. Like you mean it!

2. A BACK RUB: After a long day at work, any man would love to have a little back scratch. Help him relax and enjoy his time at home.

3. SEND A TEXT: Tell him you love him. Tell him you miss him. Tell him you thought he looked so good in that shirt or those pants when he left for work today! Tell him you can’t wait to see him!

4. MAKE TIME FOR EACH OTHER: Schedules can get busy, especially when you add kids in the mix, but make time for each other. Whether it is in the mornings, afternoons or evenings – take a look at your calendars and find some time you can squeeze in, just the two of you.

5. PLAN A SURPRISE DATE: These can be SO fun! Check out How To Date Your Husband and Dating On Every Budget – he will love the date night and he will love the surprise! It will also be so nice to be together without any distractions. Put the phones away, get a babysitter and enjoy one another.

6. A FOOT MASSAGE: If you are a man reading this, know that us ladies like these too! I will take a foot massage ANYTIME!!

7. SAY HELLO AND GOODBYE DIFFERENTLY: Instead of kissing him hello and goodbye quickly, change it up a bit. Don’t just sit there when he comes home, get up and run into his arms. Instead of just yelling from the upstairs “see ya later!” Go down and wave goodbye. Even whisper in his ear and tell him to hurry home.

8. DRESS UP: You can take this two ways and I actually mean it both ways. Get dressed! Look your best! Often times my husband comes home and I look like a hot mess – before he comes home, get dressed and put on some make up. Get presentable and look good for your man!

9. CUDDLE IN THE MORNING: My most favorite thing is cuddling in the morning. The sun is rising, the birds are chirping, the house is still quiet – lean over and rest your head on him. Sleep in {if that is possible} and enjoy holding each other.

10. PLAY A GAME: I am a big game player – I love the friendly competition! After the kids are down, this is something fun to do and can really make you laugh.

11. GO ON A STAY-CATION: This can be expensive, but if you have the money or can save up for it – I highly suggest it. There is something so romantic about staying in a hotel, even if it is is your own city!

12. WEAR HIS FAVORITE SCENT: A man always loves a woman who smells good. Put on some yummy perfume – he won’t be able to resist you!

13. CELEBRATE EVERYTHING: I always love an excuse to party or celebrate, so I say, “celebrate EVERYTHING!” Celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, half-birthdays, first-kiss dates, engagement dates, i love you dates and any other random date on the calendar that you can think of. It is so fun to celebrate!

14. INVITE THE IN-LAWS OVER: You might be thinking, ummm… how is inviting my in-laws over going to spice up my marriage? BUT trust me, if your husband is close with his parents, he will LOVE that you are showing his family love. His family is now your family, so invite them over and make some memories.

15. GRAB HIM AND DANCE: Have a dance party – get crazy! Or turn on a slow song and get romantic!

16. BE A FLIRT: Who said after you’re married you can’t flirt?! The flirting MUST continue. Make him fall in love with you all over again!

17. STICKY-NOTE HIS CAR: This is a FUN way to show him you love him. Grab some sticky notes and write something you love about him or a memory on EVERY little piece of paper. Then stick them ALL over his car, inside and out. It is a fun surprise for him! If he doesn’t have a car – do it to his bathroom or the refrigerator. Somewhere he is bound to go!

18. BUY HIM A GIFT: Do you know what your man’s love language is? Sometimes a little gift or special treat is the perfect way to spice things up. It can be as elaborate or as simple as you would like! Even his favorite candy bar from the store can sometimes mean a lot!

19. BE CONFIDENT: I think it is safe to say that every guy, LOVES a confident girl. Be confident as a wife. Show him you know what you are doing and that you love being his best friend.

20. WORK OUT TOGETHER: Go to the gym, go for a run or if neither of those are possible, do an at-home-work-out together once the kids are asleep. It gets your heart rate up and your husband will totally love seeing you taking care of your body.

21. LAY IN BED AND JUST TALK: Sometimes it is so fun to just TALK. To just visit. Go to bed and talk about your day, your dreams, your favorite things about him, his life and even your life!

22. BRAG ABOUT HIM: If you have Social Media, post a picture of him and tell the world what you love about HIM! If you talk to your friends, talk positively about him. He will love seeing and hearing the nice things you have to say.

23. LOOK INTO HIS EYES: When was the last time you truly looked into your husbands eyes and told him you love him? Maybe you are awesome and you do that every day, but for some of us it has probably been a while!

24. PHYSICAL TOUCH: It is all about the physical touch. Don’t be afraid to grab him and give him a hug! Hold his hand! Kiss him lots {like you mean it!}. And show him some love!

25. MAKE HIM YOUR PRIORITY: Last, but certainly not least, is to make sure he knows he is your number one! Nothing should be more important than him.

It’s time to spice it up and get that honeymoon love back! You will notice sometimes it is the smallest things that make the biggest differences! So go get ’em ladies… show those men how you really feel!

Are you ready to spice up your marriage? Don’t forget to share! –

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9 Comments on 25 Ways To Spice Up Your Marriage In 5 Minutes

  1. Amber NElson
    June 20, 2014 at 10:56 pm (11 years ago)

    Those are all great ideas. Will definitely share this!

  2. Kathy
    June 20, 2014 at 7:24 pm (11 years ago)

    You always have the best advice! My husband loves the extra text just to say I love you!

  3. Malia
    June 20, 2014 at 8:17 am (11 years ago)

    These are some great tips. All married couples need to remember to do these things!

  4. Michelle F.
    June 20, 2014 at 5:19 am (11 years ago)

    Those are some great tips. I love taking staycations.

  5. Jennifer
    June 20, 2014 at 4:02 am (11 years ago)

    My husband and I have been married for 8 years and we actually do lots of these. We also give each other massages, which is a great way to relax and connect at the end of a long day.

  6. Rena (An Ordinary Housewife)
    June 20, 2014 at 1:16 am (11 years ago)

    Some of those we already do. A couple I guess we need to work on! I know DH would agree with #1. 😛

  7. k._.k
    June 20, 2014 at 12:04 am (11 years ago)

    The list is super cute. The *one* I’d disagree with is 22, but that’s it. I work with guys and have all my life. If they have ANY reason to mock a guy, they will (good naturedly), but it can get tiresome to the target. If you really love him, write it in a card or PM him. Or have a nice picture of the two of you framed for his desk if he has one.

  8. Tamra
    June 19, 2014 at 10:48 pm (11 years ago)

    My husband and I are celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary on July 1st. It’s so important to do all of these on a regular basis. Loved the list!

  9. Lauren
    June 19, 2014 at 10:24 pm (11 years ago)

    such a great list! The ‘give a real kiss’ is the best… those make out sessions get lost in the mix once kids come around!


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