Hey Girl!!
Holy stinkin’ cow I can’t even explain to you how happy I am to have you here!! Our 10 Steps To Friendship Program has been LIFE CHANGING for so many of you already and I am so proud of you for working so hard on this! If you are new around here, CLICK HERE to begin your journey of making new friendships and strengthening your current relationships around you!
I kind of just want to jump right into this today! I am SO excited to introduce you to STEP THREE of our program and that is… TO SET A GOAL.
Now, this just isn’t any old goal… together we are going to set a FRIENDSHIP goal! Sounds simple & easy right?! It can be. But this step is CRUCIAL in this journey.
Can I tell you a TRUE little story real quick? I honestly felt SO alone a few months ago. I was surrounded by incredible people & friendly neighbors, but I hadn’t felt that CONNECTION i knew I was missing in my life.
One night I was really bummed laying in bed. I was telling Tys that I just felt weird. It was a feeling I couldn’t explain. But I tried to tell him the feeling of loneliness and feeling kind of lost that had taken over me.
You see, I am a VERY social person, so going 4 months without meeting a new friend in my new area was tricky for me. I needed someone {other than my amazing family that I am grateful for!} that I could just talk to.
That was when T said “You should set a goal!” To be honest, I kind of rolled my eyes at that. I thought to myself, “I just told him my heart & soul about feeling alone and he wants me to set a goal?”
And then he continued, “Set a goal to go out with someone that you DO NOT KNOW right now. I will watch the kids for you – schedule it for Thursday night!” It scared me at first. I thought he was crazy!
But I went to bed that night and woke up in the morning KNOWING he was right!! I needed to set a goal!
I pulled out a piece of paper and wrote: “GO TO DINNER WITH SOMEONE I DO NOT KNOW RIGHT NOW!” and I put it on my nightstand where I saw it every morning and night.
Guess what?! Because I had set the goal and WROTE IT DOWN and told Tys to hold me accountable for it…. I HIT MY GOAL. Within 2 weeks of setting this crazy goal, I found myself at a dinner with a few new girls that I didn’t know.
I want you today, to think about a friendship goal you want to make and WRITE IT DOWN! This simple, but important step in our program is going to be life changing!
To help you come up with a Friendship Goal for the month of November I have come up with a few ideas for you, depending on what stage of life you are in right now! You ready?!
1. Say Hi to someone you do not know and make a connection with them – then become friends on Instagram or get their phone number so you can stay connected
2. Join a club or social group
3. Host a small gathering for your neighborhood
4. Deliver treats to someone you want to get to know better
5. Go to dinner with someone you don’t know YET
2. Text a friend EVERY DAY and tell them you are thinking of them
3. Go on a lunch date
4. Deliver an unexpected treat to a friends house
5. Find a special way to serve
Of course these are just ideas! If you have one you want to set that isn’t listed, that is PERFECT!! I just know that as we set a goal & write it down – it will prepare us for Step 4 that is coming up in just a few days!!
Don’t worry about achieving your Friendship Goal right away! The next few steps in the program will help you achieve that goal sometime this month…for now just focus on setting a goal that you want to do!
I can’t wait for this!! Once you think of the goal you are going to set, don’t forget to come tell me!! I will totally be your accountability partner! Post it on Instagram Stories at tag me @todaysthebestday so I can see it! Or CLICK HERE and comment on this photo to share with other Besties that are making friendship goals too!
You’ve got this girl!! You are AMAZING!!
xoxo Danielle