Stronger Than The Struggle | Today's the Best Day

Stronger Than The Struggle

“The struggle is real.” One of the most common sayings for the modern woman.

Maybe you were at home. Maybe you were laying in bed. Maybe you were at the doctor’s office, grocery store or outside at the park. Wherever you were, you were probably scrolling on your phone and saw her.

You know her. I know her. She is that one cute lady you follow that looks absolutely FLAWLESS. She always looks so perfect and beautiful! Her make-up is gorgeous, not a strand of her hair is out of place and her outfit is ALWAYS on point!

She has a great body and you don’t understand how in the world she looks like that after having a baby. Her house seems to always look fresh and sparkly clean, not a drawer is open and not a toy out of place.

Her car has no fishy crackers smushed or apple juice spilt. Her family seems to be perfect or as she seems to show it on Social Media. Her children are always dressed to the nines, and their hair is never unbrushed. Somehow their faces are never messy, dinner is always on the table, they do fun activities daily, go on exotic family vacations and seem to live the flawless, trial-free, no-struggle life.

But let’s get real for a minute, ladies:

Behind that picture of going to the zoo, those kids were definitely running around like little monkeys and extremely hard to control. There was probably a moment she wondered why in the world she thought it was a good idea to go on such an adventure. Because #thestruggleisreal.

Behind that picture of the perfect home cooked meal, there was a lot of work, practice, preparation, mistakes and stress. Because you know, #thestruggleisreal.

Behind that picture of the husband and wife kissing, they absolutely have had disagreements, faults, fights, sadness and experiences that have tested their marriage. Because #thestruggleisreal.

Behind that perfect family photo, there have been messy faces and unbrushed hair, tears of sadness and really hard trials. There was a toddler that lost his shoe, spilt juice on his new shirt and had to go potty as soon as they were trying to leave the house that morning. Because all moms know #thestruggleisreal.

And behind that picture of her beautiful smile, there has been pain, growth, trials, hard days, hope, love, sacrifice, desire, goals and many many experiences that have made her who she is today. Because #thestruggleisreal.

I promise you, her life isn’t perfect. None of our lives are perfect.

In fact, Dieter F. Uchtdorf said it perfectly: “Sandwiched between their Once Upon A Time and Happily Ever After, they all had to experience great adversity.”

We ALL have had to experience great adversity. Bad things happen to good people. Trials that we don’t think are possible to overcome, come. And the struggles become more and more real.

It is time to GET real. It is time to talk about the things we normally don’t see on Social Media. It is time to share a little bit of the “behind the scenes” things – the REAL things. To help spread word to women EVERYWHERE that they are NOT alone. That we ALL have trials. That we ALL have struggles. And together, we can be strong and we CAN get through them.

Join us this week by sharing on Social Media what struggle YOU are stronger than! Click here to download the STRONGER THAN THE STRUGGLE Free Printable Sign and share with us your story of struggles and how you have overcome them or strive to overcome them daily.STRONGER THAN THE STRUGGLEUse #StrongerThanTheStruggle and help spread the word to women EVERYWHERE – that we ALL can be strong! And we ALL can get through hard things!

Here is mine…

I am a true believer in the title of my website – Today’s The Best Day! I personally believe that we really CAN make EVERY day, the BEST day! But….that doesn’t mean we won’t EVER have bad days.

Because of my loud, excited and most of the time happy attitude, I mistakenly find myself getting accused of the saying, “You just never have a bad day, do you?” But oh, I am here to say I most definitely, 258% have had and will ALWAYS have very bad days come my way… I just believe I can be STRONGER than them.

Stronger Than The Struggle

A bad day can mean a lot of things – a simple bad hair day, a toddler who doesn’t know what she wants, but knows what she wants, another negative pregnancy test or a failed fertility treatment, when I allow my insecurities get the best of me, when I have self-doubts, when there are big decisions to make and I don’t know where to go, a phone call that a family member isn’t doing well or an argument with my man. Yes, those things happen! They are REAL. Bad days come.

The struggle IS real – but that doesn’t mean we can’t be stronger than the struggle.

Maybe it is your insecurities or doubts, maybe it is your fears or stress, maybe it is your infertility, divorce, death or depression. Whatever your trial and struggle is – YOU can be stronger than it. And I can’t WAIT to see what YOU are stronger than!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to share with us your #StrongerThanTheStuggle Photos! 

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1 Comment on Stronger Than The Struggle

  1. Shavonne
    August 18, 2015 at 4:30 pm (9 years ago)

    LOVE this and YOU! I want to join in on this uplifting fun. Thanks for keeping it beautifully real Danielle!


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