Summer Bestie Challenge | Today's the Best Day

Summer Bestie Challenge

You guys!! It is SUMMER BREAK from school and I am so excited!! I loooove Summer time! Give me all the sunshine, pools, splash pads and beaches!!

One of our family’s favorite thing to do is to make a SUMMER BUCKET LIST the first day of break and write out allllll the things we want to do! We love having a whole list right in front of us of memories that we want to make!!

You can have anything you can think of on your Bucket List – from something as simple as going to the park or even something as adventurous as going camping for the weekend {which is VERY adventurous in my book because I am a GLAMPER not a CAMPer! haha}! The best part of all is that it is tailored to YOUR family and what YOU like to do!

In fact, I made a Free Printable HERE if you want to create one for your fam!

But ahhhhh. I have been thinking so much about SUMMER and thought it would be fun to have a little Bestie Challenge the next 3 months!

Are you ready for this?! The challenge is to schedule and plan INTENTIONAL time with your kids every single day. I know it might sound silly to some, but to be honest, sometimes putting everything to the side and focusing on the kids for just 30 minutes a day can be a challenge – so that is what we are going to do!

We all have a zillion things to do. There will always be dishes in the sink. Laundry to fold. Toilets to scrub. Boxes to organize. Groceries to buy. Social Media to check. Emails to write. BUT… this Summer we are going to give our kids our 100% full attention for at least 30 minutes a day.

Going along with this, I don’t think we should just SAY we are going to do the challenge. I think we need to SCHEDULE it into our calendars. Because if you are anything like me, if I don’t have it scheduled – it probably wont get done!!

So. As you sit down and plan out your daily schedule for the Summer – I challenge you to WRITE IT DOWN. or SET YOUR ALARM event! And make a space on your calendar specifically for INTENTIONAL TIME WITH KIDS – where for that 30 minutes you will close your computer, drop all the chores, plug your phone into a wall far away from you… and just BE with them.

You guys!! Let’s make 2019 Summer the best. I cry thinking about the fact that I only have 12 more Summers with my girl until she is off to college. How crazy is that to think about?! I don’t ever want to look back wondering if I could have spent more INTENTIONAL time with my littles – so lets start doing it TODAY!!

Are you in?!?! If you are – go back to my Instagram photo I just posted with me dancing with my broom and write “I AM IN!” I can’t wait to see who is up for this Summer Bestie Challenge with me! It’s going to be so good.

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