events Archives | Today's the Best Day

Posts Tagged ‘events’

Find The Bright Side

Oh HEY girl!! Sit down and have a little seat as I chat with you for just a minute about a few things that have been happening over here at Bestie Squad Headquarters! Every day I receive messages and emails from Besties who share their trials and triumphs with me. I have laughed with you. […] Read more…

ELVES Night Out #BestiesDoService

Boxes are piling up over here at the Besties Headquarters in Las Vegas and we couldn’t be more excited! Last week we announced our special #BestiesDoService project that we are working on together as a squad and you ladies have NOT disappointed!! You have rallied together and have filled our mailbox and hearts with SO […] Read more…

Witches Night Out – BESTIE STYLE!

Oh hey girl!! I am SO excited you are here and I am SO excited to give you the deets about our upcoming Besties Night Out – WITCH STYLE! I have been getting so many requests for another get together for our squad and with it being October I couldn’t let the opportunity of having […] Read more…

Bestie’s Night Out with HIGH Fitness & FIIZ

BESTIES!!! Heavens. I can’t believe that i haven’t shared these AMAZING photos of our Bestie’s Night Out with HIGH Fitness & Fiiz with all of you yet!! Like…WHAAAAAT?! ****face palm**** CLICK HERE to view them! In April we had our FIRST EVER Bestie’s Event in Las Vegas and it was truly a night to remember! […] Read more…

Besties Go 80’s Bowling Party!

**TICKETS ARE LIVE – CLICK HERE to grab your ticket** Hey Bestie! OH. MY. GOSH. I am SO excited that you are here! Our Bestie Squad is stronger than ever and I am just SOOO grateful for each and every one of you! A few months ago, we partied at Fiiz Drinks with High Fitness […] Read more…

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