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Posts Tagged ‘fitness’

HUGE Bestie Deal For The Mommy Tummy Fix

If you have been following my journey of #MakinBabyNumber3 on Instagram, you know that I have been working on getting myself healthy for InVitro, in hopes to bring another miracle baby into our family!! I recently hit my goal weight of losing 30lbs in 3 months and I feel SO GOOD!! I have been learning […] Read more…

Treat Your Mom Like A Queen

The other night I had the opportunity and privilege of attending the Treat Your Mom Like A Queen Night hosted by MD Diet! MD Diet is based in Salt Lake City, Utah and they invited daughters to nominate their moms for a day to be treated like a queen! How fun is that?! The submissions […] Read more…

What Makes A Beautiful Smile

Have you ever wondered what makes a smile beautiful? It’s one of the first things people see when you greet them, and is an obvious way to display pleasure and joy. The smile is one of the most animated facial features, and plays a big part in self-expression. It’s for this reason special attention is […] Read more…

How To Avoid Weight Gain During The Holidays

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” – Doesn’t that just make you want to start singing Christmas carols?! I LOVE this season and I am so excited for everything it brings! The decorations, the clothes, the family time, the love, the happiness… and of course I am SO looking forward to the holidays this […] Read more…

Healthy Habits for BUSY Moms

The Fall is the PERFECT time to start fresh, set new goals, and get back into a daily routine! For a lot of school districts, today was the first day of school! What an exciting time of year for  the whole family! I have loved seeing all of your cute kids in their back to school […] Read more…

The Bachelor Workout!

I am an AVID Bachelor fan. Every Monday night at 8pm, you know where to find me! From it’s VERY first season of the Bachelorette with Trista Sutter {who I adore} to Season 18 with Juan Pablo {who we will discuss in a moment} I have been addicted! Emily Maynard will always be my beauty […] Read more…

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