get inspired Archives | Today's the Best Day

Posts Tagged ‘get inspired’

An Answer To Someone’s Prayer

My prayers are ALWAYS answered. Now – don’t get me wrong, sometimes they are answered not exactly how I would like them to be, but today I want to talk about the other times they are answered. The times when they are answered immediately and with a big slap in my face. Not literally – […] Read more…

Managing MONEY in Marriage

When it comes to money, my husband is a saver and I am a spender. Luckily, in a marriage that is a pretty good balance! If it were up to me, we would probably have no money, but a lot of fun! Shopping and fun activities would be on our daily list of activities. Thank […] Read more…

Sleeping Through The Night

I desperately need my sleep. I have always loved {and NEEDED} my whole full nights rest to function throughout the day. I truly believe in beauty rest – not only for outward beauty, but for inward beauty. If I don’t get my full seven to eight hours of sleep at night, I am little Miss […] Read more…

Be a LITTLE Better

Just a little Sunday Thought today – “Try a little harder, to be a little better.” Think about it this week and apply it to your lives. Maybe you can try a little harder to have more patience. OR maybe you can try a little harder at telling your children you love them. OR maybe […] Read more…

Having Faith Through Changes

Often times we come to moments in our lives that change is required. Sometimes we move to a different home, we find a new job, we lose someone we love, we gain someone else to love, our family circumstances change and the list goes on and on. I have so many examples in my life of […] Read more…

How to BLOG With A Baby

Many of you know how I started this blog. As crazy as it sounds – I honestly just woke up one day with the idea! I had been looking for a way to share with others my love for motherhood and I thought a blog would be a great way to do so. I wanted […] Read more…

Bullying – Just Stop It

I would like to start this post by telling you a story I recently heard about a man. We will just call him Sam. Sam was on a bus one day going home from work. During rush hour, the bus was full and had very few seats available when another man and his two kids […] Read more…

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