headbands Archives | Today's the Best Day

Posts Tagged ‘headbands’

Shop Miss A – Review & Giveaway

Who LOVES a good deal?! {ALL of us!} Who LOVES to get fun packages delivered to their doorstep without having to leave your house?! {ALL of us!} Who LOVES to find a store that literally sales everything imaginable from headbands to eyelashes and socks to lipstick for the MOST affordable price ever?! {ALL of us!} […] Read more…

BugzyLove – Giveaway and Review

Fall is quickly approaching and I could NOT be more excited!! Cooler weather, boots and scarves, everything pumpkin and orange… I LOVE this time of year! It is ALSO the perfect time to get a new wardrobe! It’s time to pull out those sweaters and jackets that we love to wear, but have been hiding in […] Read more…

Bryant Boutique – Giveaway

You ladies know I loooove me some floral crowns! Gorgeous headpieces are perfect for photoshoots, the beach, dress up, night outs and parties! It is such a pleasure to introduce you ladies to Bryant Boutique! A brand new beautiful shop for floral crowns! Kait, the cute lady behind this new boutique, started off as a follower when […] Read more…

Bows and Baby Toes – Giveaway

Oh, having a little girl is SO fun! The accessories. The bows. The shoes. The hairstyles. Sometimes it feels like you have a real life baby doll to play dress up with! They are precious! Especially through those little years when they wear whatever you want them to. 🙂 Something funny about my little lady […] Read more…

Yarn Twisted – GIVEAWAY

I spent the long holiday weekend in Utah and my goodness was it cold! I LOVE this time of year and getting to bundle up with scarves, ear warmers and beanies! While there, I saw SO many cute girls wearing the most darling crochet headbands to keep them warm – which made me SO excited […] Read more…

The Sassy Stork – Giveaway

I hope you all are having a great week and are excited for Hump Day – today we are going to kick it off with an awesome Giveaway with one of my favorite shops for littles – The Sassy Stork! I absolutely LOVE putting Laila in clothes that are comfortable AND trendy! A pair of organic […] Read more…

DIY – Organize Bows and Headbands

I am a big believer that a girl can NEVER have too many accessories! From the moment I found out that Laila was a girl – I started shopping for headbands and bows! I didn’t know that it was going to be her “thing” until she was actually born though. She has not gone one […] Read more…

BugzyLove Giveaway

By now you all know about my obsession with headbands. I love ALL kinds of bows and adding different flowers, turbans and headbands to Laila’s collection! My addiction to collecting headbands started a few months before Laila was born and took off as soon as I put the first one on her, just hours after […] Read more…

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