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Posts Tagged ‘healthy’

Quinoa Vegetable Salad

Hi! I’m Nick from GoFitWear.com. We publish a ton of great content on fitness activity trackers and gluten-free diets. Our goal is to make you feel like a new you. Through exercise and proper diet, it is definitely achievable. You’ve probably heard the term “gluten-free” by now, but if you haven’t – no worries, we […] Read more…

How To Prevent Dry Skin During The Winter

Pop quiz: Do your hands ever feel sensitive or sore? Do you see fine cracks? Have you noticed peeling or flaking on your face, hands or other body parts? Do you notice small red areas, rosacea or inflamed patches of eczema? Bad news, friend. You may be suffering from dry skin. Before you panic, though, […] Read more…

Must DOs For Healthy Skin

We have all been there – that morning you wake up and you have broken out skin. It is the WORST! They say as you get older your skin should be clearer, but I am 26 and still have random break outs! As women, it is so important to take care of ourselves, especially our […] Read more…

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