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Posts Tagged ‘married life’

The Anatomy of an Apology

From the moment you woke up this morning you have been communicating with others. Whether it is online, in person or via text message, you are interacting with others. As you communicate with others you strive to convey your feelings through words and phrases. Throughout all of English, there is one phrase in the that […] Read more…

30 Truths About Marriage

The football field was lit up by a pathway of candles, leading the way to a picnic set up underneath the goal post. There were two chairs, a table, a dozen roses, a guitar, yummy food and most importantly…him. The 21-year-old boy of my dreams was standing there. I couldn’t help but smile from ear […] Read more…

10 Ways To Create Love At Home

It is completely normal to have a little bit of contention in the home… at least that is what I like to tell myself to make me feel better. 🙂 Husbands and wives don’t always see eye to eye, kids are going to be kids and misbehave, babies are going to cry {sometimes a lot} and the […] Read more…

How To Support Your Husband In School

The “First Day of School” excitement happened in our home this past week. We were outside taking pictures and a neighbor was outside on a little walk. He stopped and said, “Oh she looks so cute! Back to school pictures, huh? Is she in Kindergarten?” Bless his heart – little did he know my child […] Read more…

7 Secrets To A Happy Marriage

Do you want to know a little secret? Maybe SEVEN secrets? Every couple has hard days. Someone may wake up on the wrong side of the bed, someone may have a hard day at work, someone may not feel well, someone may just easily get annoyed with the other person – it happens. AND it is completely normal. […] Read more…

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