motherhood thoughts Archives | Today's the Best Day

Posts Tagged ‘motherhood thoughts’

10 Habits Of A Happy Woman

This week we are focusing on being happy and learning how to find happiness RIGHT where you are, at this VERY moment. Whether you are single or married – have seven kids or none- each of us will go through challenges, trials and really REALLY hard days. Today I wanted to talk about finding happiness in […] Read more…

A Heartwarming Lesson For Moms That Struggle

Nowhere else does the phrase “not as easy as it looks” apply more than motherhood. If I had a dollar for every time someone told my pre-motherhood self: “You’re going to be such a great mom!” I would have had…well…a lot of dollars. Probably enough dollars to buy out Costco’s entire ice cream section to […] Read more…

10 Ways To Live Life Like A Toddler

Having a toddler around the house has made our home a lot different than it use to be. Where there use to be fashion magazines, there are now parenting books. Where there use to be an office, there is now a toddler bed . Where there use to be a couples hang-out area, there is now boxes […] Read more…

But you are enough.

Photo by our talented photographer, Christine Olson Photography  The toddler is screaming for his blanket that you left in the car because five minutes before this melt down he assured you he didn’t want it, the nine month old is fussing because of course you decided to load up the family for a quick trip […] Read more…

You’re A Good Mom

I’ve always wanted to be a mom. In fact, in 5th grade my teacher asked the class what we all wanted to be when we grew up. One boy said a doctor, the other said a lawyer. One girl said a vet and another said a scientist. A few said teachers, a handful said police […] Read more…

Motherhood Isn’t For Sissies

I remember the first moment that I thought to myself, “I am a REAL mom.” I was actually out shopping at Hobby Lobby, looking for a few things for a wreath I was going to make and hang on my front door. My few-week-old baby was sleeping and I was down the headband aisle because I obviously could NOT […] Read more…

The Stages of Motherhood

I was dusting off one of our bookshelves the other day that needed some SERIOUS cleaning and a book fell into my hands called, “The 7 Stages of Marriage.” I paused and looked through the book for a minute and it had so many great insights on unity and how to handle certain situations that come […] Read more…

The Impact Of A Mom

I read an article the other day that really caught my attention. The author talked about her decision about becoming a stay-at-home and how it was something that she regrets. She felt like she let people down, she didn’t use her degree, her world narrowed, she worried more and even lost confidence. As a fellow stay-at-home […] Read more…

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