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Posts Tagged ‘motherhood thoughts’

Becoming Better Today

Often times I find myself wanting to be MORE. I am super guilty of comparing myself to others – which is a crazy habit that I think a lot of us women experience. I personally, want to have a rockin’ body and weigh 120 pounds! I want to be a better cook and have dinner ready […] Read more…


From the moment you find out that you are pregnant, people will say, “Congratulations! Your life is just about to change!” But honestly – you really don’t fully understand what that means until you experience it. You think to yourself, “Yeah! I am going to be a mom and have a little baby I get […] Read more…

Are You Ready To Be A Mom?

Some women are born with the desire to become a mom. It just comes natural to them and their hearts ache for a child! When they see a baby, they want to hold the sweet little thing and never let it go! That is me. I have just always loved babies! I remember playing “Mommy and Baby” […] Read more…

Motherhood POWER Week

“The work of a mother is hard, too often unheralded work…Please know that it is worth it then, now, and forever.” – Jeffrey R. Holland  Mother’s Day is just a week away and it is time to celebrate! I am so grateful to be a mother and absolutely love that all of you cute moms […] Read more…

Happiness Through Trials

To most people, I come off as an extremely happy person! I love having fun! I love being with people! And I try to just love LIFE! When I talk to other people who aren’t as “happy” as I am – I tend to look at my husband and say, “Um…she was NOT nice!” and […] Read more…

Managing MONEY in Marriage

When it comes to money, my husband is a saver and I am a spender. Luckily, in a marriage that is a pretty good balance! If it were up to me, we would probably have no money, but a lot of fun! Shopping and fun activities would be on our daily list of activities. Thank […] Read more…

Sleeping Through The Night

I desperately need my sleep. I have always loved {and NEEDED} my whole full nights rest to function throughout the day. I truly believe in beauty rest – not only for outward beauty, but for inward beauty. If I don’t get my full seven to eight hours of sleep at night, I am little Miss […] Read more…

How to BLOG With A Baby

Many of you know how I started this blog. As crazy as it sounds – I honestly just woke up one day with the idea! I had been looking for a way to share with others my love for motherhood and I thought a blog would be a great way to do so. I wanted […] Read more…

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