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Posts Tagged ‘motherhood’

Mom Meet Mom – Interview

As a first-time mom, I have learned the importance of FRIENDS and being a part of a group of moms that have been or are currently going through exactly what I go through on a daily basis. Talking to other moms helps me become a better mom. Having playdates and meeting moms at the park […] Read more…

All Moms Need Friends

I have always been a people person. I love to socialize and visit with friends. I love to go on lunch dates, dinner dates… oh, I even love to go on breakfast dates too! I have always been that girl who strikes up a conversation with the woman behind me in line at the grocery […] Read more…

You’re A Good Mom

I’ve always wanted to be a mom. In fact, in 5th grade my teacher asked the class what we all wanted to be when we grew up. One boy said a doctor, the other said a lawyer. One girl said a vet and another said a scientist. A few said teachers, a handful said police […] Read more…

How To Measure The Success Of A Mom

A little over a year and half ago, I was living my dream job in the corporate world. As a Sales Manager at the most beautiful hotel on the Las Vegas Strip, I found my happiness. I had goals to reach, people to impress, and clients to influence. I had to dress to impress, wine and […] Read more…

How To Bring Jesus Into Your Home

A few weeks ago I sat my one-year-old in her high chair and put a plate of mac-n-cheese and watermelon in front of her. Those are her two most favorite foods in the world, so I assumed she would inhale it all by the time I even made myself a plate. 🙂 I buckled her […] Read more…

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