The other day I was talking to my husband and I said that I was in my “mid-20’s” and he quickly corrected me and said, “I am sorry to break it to you, but you are now in your LATE-20’s.” When he said that, I just about had a heart attack and fell off my […] Read more…
Posts Tagged ‘motherhood’
How To Make Money With Your Smartphone
I am so excited to introduce you all to a new segment on Today’s The Best Day, that is going to give you all of the tips and tricks you need to be able to save money for you and your family! Money can be such a sensitive subject in the family unit and can […] Read more…
Motherhood Isn’t For Sissies
I remember the first moment that I thought to myself, “I am a REAL mom.” I was actually out shopping at Hobby Lobby, looking for a few things for a wreath I was going to make and hang on my front door. My few-week-old baby was sleeping and I was down the headband aisle because I obviously could NOT […] Read more…
The Bank of Mom And Dad: How To Teach Your Kids The Value Of A Dollar
Because my husband is SUCH a good writer and always full of the best ideas {I am not being biased or anything 🙂 }, I am pretty excited to have him share his thoughts on MONEY today. Now, money can be a sensitive subject in a marriage and within the family, but he has always been […] Read more…
How To Ride The Motherhood Roller Coaster
“Please watch your step as you board. Secure any loose articles that may fall during the ride. Once seated please pull down on the lap bar as far as it will go, an attendent will be by to check you momentarily. Please remain seated, keeping your hands, arms, feet and legs inside the train at […] Read more…
20 Phrases 20-Somethings Say That Make You Cray-Cray
I like to consider myself your average 20-something girl. As the daunting 3-0 mark gets closer and closer, I find that there are quite a few special phrases and words that only people in my age bracket use. I just spent some time at a family reunion up in the mountains. The weather was gorgeous and everyday […] Read more…
The Stages of Motherhood
I was dusting off one of our bookshelves the other day that needed some SERIOUS cleaning and a book fell into my hands called, “The 7 Stages of Marriage.” I paused and looked through the book for a minute and it had so many great insights on unity and how to handle certain situations that come […] Read more…
15 Moms You Will Probably Meet At Playgroup
I LOVE moms!! There is something so fun about having the role of motherhood in common. It is almost like the moment you become pregnant, you immediately become a part of the pack! I love that my daughter is at a fun age where we get to go on playdates and meet up with other moms […] Read more…
Moms: Let’s Be Friends – 10 Things You Should Say To Other Moms
I feel SUPER lucky! I get to spend every day of my life, communicating with other women. Whether I see you in person or we are Social Media friends – I love getting to know YOU! Something I love about being a part of the this club… this group… this TEAM of MOMS, is that we […] Read more…
5 Easy Steps To Turn That Frown Upside Down
When bad things happen to good people, we have two choices – to be happy or to be sad. I like to be happy. Now don’t get me wrong – I said I “like” to be happy. I am not ALWAYS happy – I sure do get sad quite often. But I try my very […] Read more…
How To Teach Your Kids About Friendship and Sharing
Friends are so important! I have always been so blessed with other people in my life that have uplifted me and helped me become a better person. I have friends that I have known since I was just LITTLE and I hope every day that my one-year-old will be able to make friends that will last […] Read more…
The Impact Of A Mom
I read an article the other day that really caught my attention. The author talked about her decision about becoming a stay-at-home and how it was something that she regrets. She felt like she let people down, she didn’t use her degree, her world narrowed, she worried more and even lost confidence. As a fellow stay-at-home […] Read more…
20 Creative Lunches and Snacks JUST For Kids
It seems to be a popular trend from a lot of moms I come in contact with and within my own experience as a mom, that babies can be really good eaters the first year of their life and then once they hit about a year and a half all of the sudden their appetite […] Read more…
5 Tips From A Working Mom
Something I LOVE about having this blog is getting to know each of you! I love that we each can be so different, yet have at least ONE thing in common and that is FAMILY. I love celebrating marriage and being a mom with each of you! As many of you know I am a stay-at-home […] Read more…
The Big List Of Things To Do With Your Kids When It Is Hot Outside
I am in the middle of experiencing my first Summer with a one-year-old and oh my goodness! How fun is this?! I am so grateful I have the opportunity to be able to play with her every single day. Like all of you, we love to get outside and run around – BUT living in […] Read more…
What Does The Name “MOM” Mean?
I received an email the other day from a cute girl who is getting ready to have her first baby. She told me that she was nervous about this new chapter in her life and she honestly wasn’t that excited about it. Becoming a mom is an overwhelming feeling – and I completely understood where […] Read more…
Motivating Mother – Heidi Clarke
As a little sister, I always hoped my brother would marry someone that fit in with our family. I wanted him to find the perfect girl that would make him happier than he had ever been and would bring out the best in him. When I met Heidi for the first time – I knew […] Read more…
5 Signs of Labor and What To Do When They Happen To You
It is my honor to introduce you today to our guest writer, Kathy DiVincenzo from Beyond The Bump Services! Kathy is full of knowledge and beyond qualified to share with all of us today about signs of labor – something that is SO important as we enter into the journey of motherhood! Without further ado, […] Read more…