You finally make it through the grocery store ordeal with your kids and find yourself at the check out counter. There you see the parade of beautiful celebrities living larger than life and you take a moment and wonder to yourself what it’s like to live like them. Celebrities may appear to live a bit differently […] Read more…
Posts Tagged ‘motherhood’
17 Reasons The Mommy Wars Aren’t Worth Fighting
You’re a mom? You have probably done this before then. You finally get to a milestone as a mom and are so proud, that you just have to share it with the world! You post on social media how happy you are you accomplished your goal, even though you did things a little differently than […] Read more…
21 Strange Situations Only Stay-At-Home Moms Understand
Before I became a stay-at-home mom, I naively thought that nothing would change once I left my day job. I read many books, magazines and articles that I hoped would prepare me for my new chapter in life. Looking back on pre-baby self, I smile and think of how much I didn’t know about the […] Read more…
Why Your Wife Is Always So Tired
You know how it goes… you walk in from work, put your keys down, take your tie off and are ready to have a relaxing evening with the family after a long day at the office. Then your wife walks down the stairs and hands you the baby with that stressed-out, messy hair, no makeup, […] Read more…
12 Things The Mom With Low Confidence Wants You To Know
There it is again. That nagging feeling in the back of your mind that just won’t go away: You should just give up because you will never be good enough. Mom life is filled with instances in which you try to ignore this thought but sometimes, life can just be too much. Sometimes, everything goes […] Read more…
7 Things Husbands of Great Moms Know
Let’s face it. Dads are awesome. In addition to the many hours that we spend on the job, we also excel at other envious extracurriculars such as growing beards, mowing lawns and sculpting our sought after dad bods. As amazing as all of that is, I have learned recently that no matter how cool I […] Read more…
Mom or Not – Mother’s Day Is For You
Five years ago I found out I was pregnant just a few weeks before Mothers Day! Saying I was excited is a complete understatement. I was told years before that I had a good chance of not being able to bear a child of my own and I was proving the doctor wrong! I remember […] Read more…
Motherhood Power Week 2015
It is ONE WEEK until Mother’s Day and around here, we don’t just celebrate days… we celebrate WEEKS! It is my pleasure to introduce you beautiful ladies to MOTHERHOOD POWER WEEK! Last year’s Power Week was such a fun success, we have decided to make it a tradition! But this year we are doing things […] Read more…
11 Significant Stories Your Mom Shoes Share
I was running in and out of the office, meeting after meeting. My feet were killing me because I had been wearing high-heels all day long. I was dreaming of the clock to hit 5pm so I could go home and put my feet up for a minute. In the corporate world, I had a […] Read more…
You’ve heard them… or maybe you have even said them yourself. “Don’t judge me, I didn’t shower today.” “Close your eyes… I didn’t have time to get ready!” We all have days where we just kind of look like a mom. The bun on the top of your head. The leggings you’ve been wearing for […] Read more…
Viral Video Shows Blindfolded Children Finding Mothers Through Only Touch
A new ad from Pandora Jewelry was published recently and truly shows the unique bond that every child has with their mother. In the video, “The Unique Connection” their are various children who are blindfolded in a room with a line of women. Each child is then given the task to find their mother within […] Read more…
10 Things Your Husband Wants You to Know About Your Post Baby Body
It is practically a marriage commandment: Thou shalt compliment your wife. Though this truth didn’t make it into the good book, it’s an unwritten rule that all husbands are aware of, especially after just having a baby. The beauty of bringing a new little addition into the home brings with it many new and sometimes […] Read more…
9 Reasons Normal People Think Moms Are Crazy
Moms do some pretty strange things. Have you noticed? Just the other day I was in the grocery store and I thought I smelt a soiled diaper. So, I picked my toddler up and stuck my nose up against her bum and gave a deep sniff. Ya know, normal right? After I left the store […] Read more…
30 {Secret} Benefits Of Being A Mom
Recently we surveyed our readers from Facebook and Instagram and asked them “What is your favorite secret ‘parenting privilege’ that you do that would embarrass you if others found out?” The answers were surprising and made us laugh more than just a little bit. You are just going to love these 30 {SECRET} BENEFITS OF […] Read more…
10 Things Moms Need To Hear More Often
This is the dream. Right? You wake up and through the haze of remembering what day it is and counting the number of times you were smacked in the face by your sick toddler sleeping in your bed, you hear it for the first time… “MOOOOM!!!!” The day has begun and before your head hits […] Read more…
9 Things Every Stay-At-Home Mom Has Done Today…By Noon
We’ve all heard it – “What do you do all day?” “Do you get bored?” “Don’t you miss having adult interaction?” And we have also all read article after article about how busy moms are and how they barely have enough time to eat, shower and sleep. But today we are talking about the things […] Read more…
18 Awesome Mormon Bloggers You Should Know
It is always SO fun to find new blogs to follow and to find new sources for upliftment and encouragement! I am extremely honored and super excited to be included in this group of 18 of the most AWESOME Mormon Bloggers out there. These women are beautiful inside and out and I KNOW you will […] Read more…
Top Excuses Dads Use to Get Out of Bedtime
“But Mom, I’m going to die, I am so thirsty!” That was always my go to bedtime excuse when I was a kid. My iron clad list of kid tested, mom approved, excuses always banked me an extra 20-30 minutes of time before bed. I don’t know why I never enjoyed going to bed. I […] Read more…