recipe Archives | Today's the Best Day

Posts Tagged ‘recipe’

Taco Salad In A Jar

As I get older, I feel like there are more and more opportunities to serve others! With babies being born, moms on bed rest, children getting sick or husbands being unemployed – there are friends out there that need me! They need US! I have been that woman on bed rest for seven months and […] Read more…

Six Easy Packable Lunches

Take Me Out to the Ballgame: Six Easy Packable Lunches for Your Next Family Outing Make your family outings even more memorable this summer with easily packable lunches. To keep these meals fresh and safe, use frozen vegetable bags or ice inside a cooler or a sealable bag and store away from direct sunlight. Whether […] Read more…

Quinoa Vegetable Salad

Hi! I’m Nick from GoFitWear.com. We publish a ton of great content on fitness activity trackers and gluten-free diets. Our goal is to make you feel like a new you. Through exercise and proper diet, it is definitely achievable. You’ve probably heard the term “gluten-free” by now, but if you haven’t – no worries, we […] Read more…

Almond Pulp Fudge – Recipe

I first came across Today’s The Best Day a few months ago when I had begun monetizing my blog and was looking around the web for inspiration and blogging guidance.  At first glance, TTBD has nothing to do with me!  I’m not married, a mother, or Mormon, but there was something about the site that […] Read more…

M&M Cream Bars

You could probably call me a chocoholic. I seriously require at least a TASTE of something chocolate on a daily basis. It is just too good! I have a feeling I am passing that gene on to Laila too. She LOVES M&M’s. Every time I take her to the grocery store, it is tradition that […] Read more…

Oreo Lovers Pie – Recipe

Today is PI DAY! (3.14) “Pi Day is an annual celebration commemorating the mathematical constant π (pi). Pi Day is observed on March 14 (or 3/14 in the U.S. month/day date format), since 3, 1, and 4 are the three most significant digits of π in the decimal form. In 2009, the United States House of Representatives supported the designation of Pi Day.” Quote from Wikipedia.  Laila and […] Read more…

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