toddler Archives | Today's the Best Day

Posts Tagged ‘toddler’

It’s Not Easy Being A Mom

It’s not easy being a blogger. Did you know everyday when bloggers write an article and publish it out into the Internet, it has potential to reach 3 BILLION people. According to Internet Live Stats, in 2016 there have been that many internet users in the entire world! SO crazy! Putting yourself out there is NOT […] Read more…

No More Spills – The GCap

Having a toddler around the house is my favorite thing EVER! This age is a total blast and SUPER busy! And although it is a blast…it can be very, very messy. Ladies – today I am SO excited to introduce you to the HOTTEST new product for busy moms, who just don’t want to clean […] Read more…

A Magical Day – Princess Giveaway

“Have faith in your dreams and someday, Your rainbow will come smiling through. No matter how your heart is grieving, If you keep on believing, the dream that you wish will come true.” We were walking through the mall a few months ago and my two-year-old started yelling, “ELSA! ELSA! FROZEN!” She could NOT believe her eyes. Elsa and […] Read more…

LaureLeaf Creations – GIVEAWAY

Congratulations to the winner of this Giveaway!! These leggings are SO cute! Make sure you check out LaureLeaf Creations today, as she is offering all of Today’s The Best Day Followers 15% OFF until next Friday! Use code: BESTDAY15 at check-out! Click here to check out her shop! It’s GIVEAWAY DAY! And you ladies know […] Read more…

Emzy’s Emporium – GIVEAWAY

As you all know, I am a big fan of oversized sweaters and leggings! SO comfortable and cute. I literally wear them everyday. With the weather being warmer, sweaters are being packed up and out come the tanks and t-shirts! I love that the loose tee and tanks are in, just like the oversized sweaters. […] Read more…

How to Travel with a Toddler

I absolutely LOVE traveling! I always have! I especially love road trips. There is something so fun about stopping at the gas station and getting all of the best junk food out there, singing the best songs on the radio on the open road and of course spending time with my favorite people in the […] Read more…

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