trials Archives | Today's the Best Day

Posts Tagged ‘trials’

Stronger Than The Struggle

“The struggle is real.” One of the most common sayings for the modern woman. Maybe you were at home. Maybe you were laying in bed. Maybe you were at the doctor’s office, grocery store or outside at the park. Wherever you were, you were probably scrolling on your phone and saw her. You know her. I […] Read more…

Happiness Through Trials

To most people, I come off as an extremely happy person! I love having fun! I love being with people! And I try to just love LIFE! When I talk to other people who aren’t as “happy” as I am – I tend to look at my husband and say, “Um…she was NOT nice!” and […] Read more…

Mercies In Disguise

As I am getting older and am having more experiences in life, I have learned that each of us have trials. I am not sure if it is because of Social Media that we hear of hard times in people’s lives more often these days or if there really are just more sad and hard […] Read more…

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