The Stages of Motherhood | Today's the Best Day

The Stages of Motherhood

I was dusting off one of our bookshelves the other day that needed some SERIOUS cleaning and a book fell into my hands called, “The 7 Stages of Marriage.” I paused and looked through the book for a minute and it had so many great insights on unity and how to handle certain situations that come into our lives.

As I have thought about this book’s title, I realized that there are different stages in almost EVERYTHING we do in life! There are different stages in not only our relationships, but in our experiences: like school, work, our testimonies and even motherhood.

Today I am breaking down The Stages of Motherhood. The different feelings, emotions, challenges and joy each stage brings.

As a mom, I always thought the newborn stage was going to be my favorite. There is something SO special about a new baby. They are straight from heaven and you can just feel how perfect and angelic they are. I love the cuddles and I love kissing them ALL I want. But as time has gone on, I have realized that EVERY stage is my favorite! There is joy to be found in EVERY age and in EVERY child.

The Stages of Motherhood

Photo By Christine Olson

STAGE 1: THE WAITING GAME: This is the stage where you can’t wait until you are pregnant. You dream of having that baby bump when you look in the mirror. You imagine what kind of mom you are going to be and you hope you will be the very best for your children. For some the waiting period is not long at all and sometimes the waiting game takes a lot of patience and enduring.

STAGE 2: THE POSITIVE TEST: This is the stage where you find out you are PREGNANT! It doesn’t sink in for a while, but once you feel that baby kick for the first time, you realize it is the REAL deal. The baby inside of you has a heartbeat, she can hear your voice and somehow you are already head over hills for this little thing you haven’t even met yet!

STAGE 3: THE MIRACLE: This is the stage where you finally get to meet that baby you had dreamed, prayed and hoped for, for so long. Nine months seemed to DRAG, but once the doctor lays that baby on you – you realize it was worth it. It was worth the morning sickness, it was worth the pains, it was worth the labor, it was worth it ALL. You would do anything for this sweet baby!

STAGE 4: THE NEW MOM: This is the stage of exhaustion. Every time you close your eyes, you feel like the baby starts crying and needs you again. Somehow between the aches of your body adjusting from delivery and being the most tired you have ever been in your entire life – you still fall more in love with your little angel. Through the cuddles, the smiles, the poops, the blowouts, the feedings, the little sounds they make – you just feel COMPLETE.

STAGE 5: THE FUN MOM: This is the stage of excitement! Your baby learns how to roll over, crawl, walk and then before you know it, RUN! Your days are filled with play dates and learning. The first time you hear “ma-ma” you are pretty sure your heart skips a little beat and all of the sudden you feel OFFICIAL. Your baby and soon to be toddler thinks you can do ANYTHING.

STAGE 6: THE “CAN TIME SLOW DOWN?” MOM: This is the stage where you realize your little baby, isn’t a little baby anymore. They are off to Kindergarten and on to elementary school. The adjustment of them being gone and out of the house all day is hard, but you know it is best for them. They come home from school and you see they wrote in their journal that they want to be JUST like YOU… their mom.

STAGE 7: THE FRIENDLY MOM: This is the stage where your child is now a tween and is trying to find themselves. It is an awkward stage of life and your child NEEDS you. They realize you are their friend and you as the mom, want them to be happy. You help them with their homework, you find them cute clothes and you pray that they will have nice friends at school. You remember what it was like to be in that awkward stage of life at one time and try to be there for them as a listening ear and someone to make them smile.

STAGE 8: THE “CAN TIME SPEED UP NOW? MOM: Your tween is now a teen and they still love you, but they may not be very good at showing it. Friends and possibly boyfriends start entering into your home and an attitude is something commonly seen. Make up, dating and driving are a big part of your life and you try to guide them in the right path to make good decisions. As their mom, you know what is best for them, but sometimes they struggle seeing it.

STAGE 9: THE HOPEFUL MOM: This is the stage of hope. Your child is now off to college and living on their own. You hope and pray they are making good decisions and having fun! Your child is SO ready to move out of the house and get their own place, but after 24 hours of being away – they miss you. They miss their mom. They miss your home cooked meals and your talks. They miss the smell of “home” and they can’t wait to see you again. They call you to ask you questions and to seek your advice – because they realize once again in their life, they need MOM!

STAGE 10: THE MOTHER OF THE BRIDE/GROOM: This is the stage of tears. Happy ones. Your son finds a nice girl, but you will never be replaced. Your daughter finds a nice boy, and she just hopes she can be the wife and mom just like you were to her. When you see them in their beautiful white gown and handsome tux – you are full of joy, because you realize you aren’t losing your daughter – you are gaining a son-in-law!

STAGE 11: THE TWIN MOM: This is the stage where you sit back and smile, because your daughter is now doing things JUST like you. You realize she really did pick up a lot of traits that you have and you see them in her life. This is the stage where you get a phone call and on the other line you hear, “MOM! I did something the other day and I thought to myself, that was SO something my mom would do!”

STAGE 12: THE PROMOTION TO GRANDMA: This is the stage you sit in a rocking chair and look in your arms at the miracle baby you are now holding. To you it doesn’t seem like that long ago, you were back to Stage 3 yourself and meeting your own baby for the first time. You realize you are a Grandma and know that only the BEST moms get promoted to Grandma’s! Now it is time to spoil and play, and spoil and play some more – You are happy as can be!

STAGE 13: THE FEELING OF COMPLETION: This is the stage of gratitude. Where you sit in a bed and think about everything you have been through. You realize how fast time goes and how proud you are of your children and grandchildren. You are grateful for the life that you led. You are grateful for the opportunity you had to be a mom! You know you did your very best and that is all that matters. You are leaving behind a legend – a true legacy of love.

STAGE 14: THE ETERNAL ROLE: After death, the role of motherhood does not end. A mom forever plays a part in all of our lives. Your children will always think, “What would my mom do in this situation?” A mother is never forgotten and families are forever.

“A mother is she who can take the place of all others, but whose place no one else can take.”

What stage of Motherhood are you in? I would love to hear from you!

You may also like Moms You Will Probably Meet At Playgroup, The Impact of a Mom and What Does The Name Mom Mean?

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11 Comments on The Stages of Motherhood

  1. Kimberly
    August 9, 2014 at 4:42 am (11 years ago)

    I am between 5 and 6. He’s still and will always be my baby but he’s gotten so big and smart. Some days I just miss that little baby but then he does or says something and I love enjoy him at this stage.

  2. Olivia
    August 6, 2014 at 10:07 pm (11 years ago)

    This is so true. My husband and I were just watching all the videos of our almost 3-year-old as a baby last night. It’s just crazy how fast it has all gone by. Good thing we get to start over with his little brother. Sometimes I wish I’d had my kids younger so I could keep having babies until I become a grandma. That sounds weird probably, but I just really love the stage from 3-12 months where they are so smiley and don’t cause too much trouble yet. 🙂

  3. Rena (An Ordinary Housewife)
    August 6, 2014 at 2:46 am (11 years ago)

    I know what you mean. 🙂 I have a 1 month old and I just love cuddling/holding her, but my 2 year old is so sweet and my 4 year old can be. I still get amazed at the stuff my 4 year old comes up with, and my 2 year old is so talented at building things. It is such a blessing to watch them all!

  4. Michelle F.
    August 5, 2014 at 5:54 pm (11 years ago)

    That is very well put! I am in the “can you stop growing” stage. My daughter is 2 and I feel like times is going too fast.

  5. Taya
    August 5, 2014 at 5:40 am (11 years ago)

    I still feel like I’m in new mom mode stage over here. Haha, my kids keep me exhausted and they are 14!

    • Danielle Davis
      August 5, 2014 at 4:18 pm (11 years ago)

      Haha, I know what you mean Taya! I have a few nieces that keep me up on my game when I am with them. It is amazing to think that someone that small could have so much energy! Thanks so much for your comment today!

  6. NJ @ A Cookie Before Dinner
    August 5, 2014 at 12:43 am (11 years ago)

    I am somewhere between the Fun Mom and can time slow down Mom. My youngest is almost a year, and my oldest is off to kinder in a few weeks.

    This was a lovely post. Home run.

    • Danielle Davis
      August 5, 2014 at 4:17 pm (11 years ago)

      Thanks for your kind words! It must be so crazy to see your first already in kindergarten. I am not excited for that day. I think I will definitely wonder where all the time went when I drop my oldest off the first day of Kindergarten. Thanks for your comment and for being so wonderful!

  7. Kira T
    August 4, 2014 at 11:50 pm (11 years ago)

    I’m in the fun mom stage right now. My kiddos are still young enough that things are fun….most of the time.

    • Danielle Davis
      August 5, 2014 at 4:16 pm (11 years ago)

      That’s so fun Kira! I love that stage! Your kids are so lucky to have a fun mom that keeps up with all of their energy! Thanks for your comment!


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