“It is this crazy feeling of nerves and excitement, but being happy and sad and ready to cry, but laugh, all at the same time! Doesn’t that make sense?” I said to my husband.
He honestly looked at me with the most concerned look on his face and said, “You are the most confusing person I know.”
Sometimes in marriage you have those moments where you think, “Oh goodness. If only you could just be in my shoes for one day, you could understand a little better.” It was at this specific moment that I realized first-handed, that men and women are definitely wired a little bit differently.
It may be hard for women to understand men. And it is definitely hard for men to understand women. So gentlemen, this one is for YOU. This is for all those times that you wonder what in the world your wife actually means. What is your wife REALLY thinking?
Here are 10 Truths About Women and a few ways to Think Like Your Wife Thinks:
1. WHEN WE VENT TO YOU, WE WANT YOU TO AGREE WITH US: If you haven’t noticed yet – women like to talk. We like to tell you just about everything – sometimes even a play by play of every minute of our day. Sometimes we may get on a little venting session and tell you all about the gossip we heard at the park or in the office. When we get to the end and say, “Can you believe that?!” Agree with us. Be on our side. We just want you to be our teammate. And a listening ear. Act like you didn’t zone out half way through and tell us we did the right thing.
2. SURPRISES ARE WELCOME ANY TIME, ANY DAY: Yes, this is correct. The best ways to show us you care, are the days you do something “just because.” Don’t wait for a holiday, birthday, anniversary or special occasion. It is the little things that make us happy.
3. WE WANT YOUR HONEST OPINION BUT NOT REALLY: When your wife asks you if she looks fat – NEVER say yes. When your wife asks if the meal she made was delicious – ALWAYS say yes. Many times when we are asking for your opinion, we are really looking for a compliment.
4. WOMEN LOVE ATTENTION: Sometimes we like to make our friends a little jealous. We want the other ladies to know how awesome YOU are and how lucky we feel to have you. Make us your priority and tell us why we are important to you. Give us something to brag about.
5. SOMETIMES WE JUST WANT TO CUDDLE: No need for anything else – sometimes we just want to know you are there. At night before falling asleep, hold your wife. Let her fall asleep on your chest. She will love the comfort you bring her just by your physical touch.
6. WOMEN NEED REASSURANCE: No matter how gorgeous, what kind of body type, how much we weigh, how happy we seem to appear on the outside or confident you think we are – every woman has insecurities. You can never say “I love you” too many times and you can never give us enough kisses.
Photo from here
8. WHEN WE SAY “FIVE MORE MINUTES” IT MEANS “ONE MORE HOUR”: Oh yeah – this goes with #7. Whether we are getting ready to go out and we say we need five more minutes or we are at the party and you are wanting to leave and we say we need five more minutes – sit back, take off your shoes and stay a while – because this means we need about one more hour.
9. SOMETIMES WE HAVE NO IDEA WHY WE ARE CRYING: Tears are real and sometimes we cry because we are legitimately sad. Other times you will find us crying because we are legitimately happy. But 90% of the time, sometimes we cry just because we need to cry and we can’t control it. We are ladies – we don’t need an excuse.
10. WE ARE ALWAYS RIGHT: Lastly, never forget – you might be Mr. Right, but she is Mrs. Always Right.
Next time your wife is talking to you – maybe now you will understand her a little better and in no time you be thinking like your wife thinks. 🙂
Don’t forget to share this with all the men in your life:
September 13, 2014 at 2:16 am (10 years ago)Found this through a random reddit link..
This is why I have a Porsche instead.
September 10, 2014 at 7:40 pm (11 years ago)Love this! I may have to pass it on to my husband!
September 10, 2014 at 4:38 am (11 years ago)I don’t know if this just applies to women. I know some men who are like this too.
September 9, 2014 at 2:20 pm (11 years ago)These are all so true! I especially love it when my husband does things “just because”. Those little surprises definitely make my day!