To The Mom Who Is Always Comparing Herself To Others | Today's the Best Day

To The Mom Who Is Always Comparing Herself To Others

I’m sure most of us can admit to spending our time thinking about the things we wish were different about us or our life.

I’m sure we can all admit to letting our thoughts wander into what we wish we had or what we wish we were better at, or what trial we wish would pass, or go back to the one time, or fast forward to another time.

Or perhaps you can admit to feeling like you must live up to some sort of expectation or standard with any or everything in life—family, Instagram, parenting, church, whatever.

I’ll start by saying how I pretty much fit the bill as not being your “typical”….well…anything, actually.

I know nothing about make-up, I can count on my hands how many times I’ve cooked, (I’m terrible at it), I never desired having children or getting married growing up, I work full time and my husband is home with the kids, I’m an author and public speaker that travels a lot, I kind of stick out in my church building, I hate naps and I hate In & Out Burgers, (yeah, it’s a thing, apparently). My life in general can’t even be really categorized a “typical” either, unless you count getting your picture taken coming out of a public bathroom stall typical.

And the list can go on and on…
But my point is… that’s ok.

This is most definitely not about being a “typical” anything.

Because it’s not, and never will be, about comparing yourself to anyone.

It’s about your life being ok, too. However it may be.

We need to quit looking ahead pleading for things to be over or for things to be different. RIGHT NOW, is the best place to be. There is something amazing and meaningful in our every days—in every stage of our life.

Let’s not allow the adversary to run rogue with our thoughts. Let’s stop giving him power.

Let’s not allow ourselves to be a prisoner by living up to this “perfect” image someone else created for your life. We must stop thinking perfect is a thing and don’t drink the poison of comparison.

Because it is oh so unhealthy to us and our souls.

Don’t let people’s comments of “once you get married you can’t…” & “once you have kids you won’t be able to…”

Don’t let people tell you marriage becomes boring.

Don’t let people tell you kids ruin or take away from things.

Because they simply.ARE.NOT.true.

I absolutely love everything about having kids. Adventures have doubled since we had kids, because we chose to plan it that way. And I, more than anything, LOVE being married! I do, I love it. Marriage freakin’ rocks! Because we consciously choose, every day, to make it that way.

Life is what we choose to make of it.

Life is what we make time for.

And we should make time for WHATEVER WE WANT TO and not be influenced by what others say or how they choose to spend their time. CHOOSE adventure! Choose to have a daily make-out sesh. Choose to put your phone down and move around more. Or paint more. Or be outside more. Or read or explore more.

Choose to find and make the time, because we have time for whatever we choose to make a priority. So, we should, every day, put ourselves. And our spouse. And our family, above Instagram, or whatever else. We should every day choose the things we LOVE.

Because if we aren’t doing the things that make us happy…we’re missing.the point.

There are a lot of things I don’t have and that I’m not good at. But I like me. And God likes me. And my husband and kids like me. And we have a lot of fun together doing whatever we want to do. And my soul is dancing within me and OH what a feeling!


I don’t know what you’re doing or how your life is, but I want to be the one to tell you, in case no one else is— whatever you’re doing—is great. And it is right for you and your family.

Whatever your situation and circumstances are—that is enough.
You are not any less of anything because of them.

In case no-one else is telling you—
You and your efforts are important. They matter. They don’t go unnoticed. Your life has purpose. It has deep meaning. It has Godly help and support available at every stage of your life. And we do not need to be any more of anything to feel of Him, to be loved by Him and receive the best ever created by Him.

In case no one else is telling you—
Life is AMAZING! Marriage is amazing. Parenting and kids are absolutely amazing. Happiness exists in the mundane and the hard. Beauty is in the unexpected. Trials are adventures. Happiness exists. Because God exists. And He lives to help you succeed.

Keep being you. Keep laughing. Keep praying. Keep trying
Because life is too short not to love the journey God has for you.
Because life is too short not to see yourself the way He sees you.
And who He sees you as is someone capable of becoming like Him.

And. that. is. everything.
Enjoy it—because it’s happening.
Xox AL

IMG_7711Al Carraway is a multi-award winning public speaker, who has spent the last 7 years traveling countryside inspiring the world with her story of conversion, redemption, and finding faith. As a popular blogger, author of the best-selling book, “More Than the Tattooed Mormon,” and recently released, “Cheers to Eternity,” her messages have reached millions. She is a native New Yorker, who now lives in Utah with her sweetheart Ben, and her two kids. Al works full time at the church as a Marketing Manager. | Alcarraway.com | @22alfox

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