What Do Moms REALLY Do? | Today's the Best Day

What Do Moms REALLY Do?

In Kindergarten my teacher interviewed her students to surprise our moms with a cute Mother’s Day gift. One of the questions she asked was, “What does your mom like to do?”

Some students said their moms like to work, some said their moms like to go shopping, some even said their moms liked to clean – all of which are great characteristics in a mom.

I remember thinking so hard about this question. What does my mom REALLY like to do? When my answer came to my mind, I excitingly said to my teacher, “My mom LOVES to play with ME!”

What do moms really do

Photo cred to Ms. Photographer 

I was blessed to grow up in a home that my mom was able to stay at home with us. I loved being able to have my mom be the one to drop me off at school and kiss me goodbye – and I loved being able to have my mom be the one to pick me up after and ask how my day was.

She helped me with homework, drove me to my extra-curricular activities, made the family dinner, cleaned the house, conducted family prayer and still had time to play with me! By her great example, I had always had the goal and desire to be a stay-at-home mom one day.

Now that I am one, I often get asked what I do all day and if I get bored staying home – my answer is always the same. “No way! We have so much fun! We love to play!” I felt like this describes Mom Life PERFECTLY.


Photo from LDSSMILE.com

Here are just 10 Things Moms REALLY are. Whether you work outside the home, in the home or are able to be a full time mom and stay home, you wear a LOT of hats.

1. A COMEDIAN: Moms are there to cheer you up! They can put a smile on your face when you don’t think it is possible and they can make you laugh until you cry.

2. A NURSE: How about a doctor AND a nurse – All in ONE! Moms are there to diagnose, worry, pray, heal and make you feel better!

3. A CHEF: Whether or not they enjoy cooking, moms are chefs! They feed their families breakfast, lunch and dinner…and of course snacks in between! Even if you live at my house and have string cheese, chips and broccoli for dinner – The mama’s a chef! 😉

4. A COMFORTER: Often times you just need a moms touch, a moms hug or a moms voice. Even from a tiny baby, a mothers touch normally brings the most comfort.

5. A CHEERLEADER: Moms are there to believe you, even if you think it is impossible. Moms are often times their children’s BIGGEST fans!

6. A TAXI DRIVER: Up until you have your own car and drivers license, moms are the taxi drivers! Who else is going to drive you to school, practice, class, your friend’s house and the mall?

7. A REFEREE: This normally comes when you have more than one child in the home, but moms are there to break up the fights, calm both teams down and are there to help work it out!

8. A STYLIST: Moms are there to pick out your clothes and do your hair! They are YOUR personal designer and shopper!

9. A CLEANER: Without the mom in the house, who is going to clean up the little spills? The little crackers smushed on the carpet? The little fingers on the windows? The dirty dishes that seem to always replace themselves right back into the sink? The laundry that is never ending? Luckily, moms take care of it!

10. A FRIEND: My favorite roll of all – moms are FRIENDS. I love the quote, “Friends are like stars. You don’t always see them, but you know they are always there.” Now that I am older, I like to replace that with MOMS. You may not see your mom everyday, but you know she is ALWAYS there!

I hope in a few years when my baby is in Kindergarten and her teacher asks her what her mom LOVES to do, she will reply, “She loves to play with ME.”

I don’t want her to think my computer, or friends, or phone or cleaning or blogging are more important than HER. Because there really isn’t anything better than being a MOM.

You may also like Why Be A Stay-At-Home Mom and 10 Habits Of A Successful Mom! If you are a mom, what do you LOVE to do? Or what does your mom LOVE to do? I would love to hear from you!

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12 Comments on What Do Moms REALLY Do?

  1. Danielle
    June 24, 2014 at 10:05 pm (11 years ago)

    I would do anything to be a stay at home mommy!

  2. Brandy Gilbert Toenges
    June 23, 2014 at 12:06 pm (11 years ago)

    I agree that moms are super busy, but I would not trade staying at home with them for anything!! I love being home with my kids. Great post.

  3. Amanda
    June 23, 2014 at 2:50 am (11 years ago)

    I love what you wrote about play! Before becoming a SAHM, I was a family therapist and I worked with a lot of kids and most of what we did was play. Play is how children communicate and work out problems, and who better to do that with than their moms! I hope my kids say the same about me!

  4. Amber NElson
    June 23, 2014 at 2:10 am (11 years ago)

    Moms definitely do a lot! Yay for moms!

  5. Jeanine @ sixtimemommy.com
    June 22, 2014 at 3:16 pm (11 years ago)

    This is wonderful and so very true! I have 6 kiddos and it’s the best, I adore being a mom!

  6. Meg
    June 22, 2014 at 2:57 pm (11 years ago)

    I am not a mom yet, but I could definitely see where one would be all of these things. I am bookmarking this to show my husband later just in case it’s needed! Thanks!

  7. lisa jones
    June 21, 2014 at 12:47 pm (11 years ago)

    This Is So Very Very True All Of The Above & Then Some We Do It Because WE LOVE OUR FAMILY! Beautiful Picture!!

  8. Michelle F.
    June 21, 2014 at 5:24 am (11 years ago)

    That is a great graphic! My husband didn’t really appreciate what I did until I started leaving him with the baby to go to the gym. His appreciation quickly changed.

  9. Amy
    June 20, 2014 at 10:16 pm (11 years ago)

    Amen! I hate it when people ask me what I do all day as a SAHM. Honestly, it’s the hardest job I’ve ever had. Playing is just one of the perks!

  10. Amy
    June 20, 2014 at 10:15 pm (11 years ago)

    Amen! I always wanted to be a SAHM and I’m lucky to be one. I hate it when people assume I’m sitting around eating ice cream watching soap operas. Really? Being a SAHM is the hardest job I’ve ever had- and yes playing is one of the perks!

  11. Biljana
    June 20, 2014 at 8:59 pm (11 years ago)

    Love the post ! And I love being a mommy !!! The best job in the world payed with lot of love !

  12. Heather
    June 20, 2014 at 8:48 pm (11 years ago)

    LOVE this! So true, being a Mom is the best job. Love your pic you included on what everyone thinks we do, lol!


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