What Families Are For | Today's the Best Day

What Families Are For

This past weekend I was able to go to Utah to meet the newest member of our family, sweet baby Eli. There is no place I would rather be, than be with my family. Having everyone together brings such a peaceful feeling. There really is a sweet spirit that is brought into a home when a newborn arrives. I feel like a little bit of heaven is on earth when I see one of His children, come into a family.

As I sat in the church yesterday to witness my new nephew receive a blessing, I looked around at the amazing people I was surrounded by! I had my husband and baby, my parents and siblings. My sibling’s spouses and their babies. My grandparents, my cousins, my cousin’s children, my aunts and uncles – not to mention my sister’s in laws who I feel like are a part of my family too. The room was full of LOVE. This was family! This was my little heaven all in one room!

Throughout the day I noticed as family arrived for this special occasion, each person was contributing in one way or another to make the day special. I don’t think I saw my mom or dad leave the kitchen from 9am to 8pm. In fact, when we left at 8:15pm they were STILL cleaning up the kitchen. My parents are the hardest workers I know. {I hope I can be just like them!} Someone was always playing with the children. Someone was always taking care of the new baby. Someone was always cleaning. Someone was always cooking. Someone was always setting the table. Someone was always doing the dishes. Every person was working hard. We were all united in SERVICE.

I learned a lot about service when I was put on bed rest when I was pregnant. At 24 weeks I went into pre-term labor and wasn’t able to do much for the remainder of my pregnancy. The outpouring of love and kindness that was shown to me has stuck with me ever since. Not just the amazing service from others, but I want to focus on the service from members of my own family, in my own home. My husband cleaned, cooked and was literally at my beck and call. My mom flew in from Hawaii to be with me and to help with the house as soon as she heard I was in surgery. My sister brought in dinners. My in-laws came to visit and would bring yummy treats. This was my family! They were serving me.

How do we serve our families on a daily basis? You probably serve without realizing it! Maybe you do the laundry or cook dinner. Maybe you drove the kids to school or helped them with their homework. The little things we do daily IS service! I think we do a lot more “service” in our families than we give ourselves credit for.

Harold B. Lee said, “The most important work you will ever do will be done within the walls of your own home. “

The Most Important Work

My sister at one point this weekend said she felt bad that everyone was serving her. I think my grandpa said it best, “THAT is what families are for! Serving each other.

I hope this week we will remember to serve our own families, within the walls of our own homes. I know that we will feel love and joy as we serve those that are most important to us!

“To find real happiness, we must seek for it in a focus outside ourselves” President Monson.

To Find Real Happiness


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3 Comments on What Families Are For

  1. Crystal Otto
    March 24, 2014 at 11:52 am (11 years ago)

    I completely agree about what we do for others being the most rewarding … but today I am taking an hour to get a pedicure and refuel because doing something for myself once in a while is necessary too. Thank you for this beautiful post ~ love it~~


  2. Jennifer
    March 24, 2014 at 4:18 am (11 years ago)

    Great post! And I couldn’t agree more with that Harold B. Lee quote. I work outside the home, but the most rewarding and wonderful work that I do is done inside my home.

  3. Krystal
    March 24, 2014 at 1:00 am (11 years ago)

    Your posts are always so inspirational! Hope you had a great weekend.


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