I’ve always wanted to be a mom. In fact, in 5th grade my teacher asked the class what we all wanted to be when we grew up. One boy said a doctor, the other said a lawyer. One girl said a vet and another said a scientist. A few said teachers, a handful said police officers… and in my quiet, timid voice, I replied, “I want to be a mom.”
Most jobs come with a job description and even a manual with step-by-step instructions on how to do your job. There are classes for training, a boss to tell you what you can work on and goals to make sure you are progressing. But in the life of a mom, things are a little different.
When I got the best promotion in the world, to move from the corporate world to be a stay-at-home mom, I was the happiest girl in the world! But I quickly learned I didn’t have a training course… there was no boss to tell me how I could improve and there was definitely no manual with step-by-step instructions.

Photo by our talented photographer Canico Studios
Just the other day my almost two-year-old and I went on a little shopping date. You know me – I looove to find a good deal and new clothes! It is absolutely my favorite thing to do. While in the mall, my little one decided it would be fun to play in the clothes and hide in the middle of all of the skirts. She would put them in front of her face and I would say, “Where is Laila? I can’t see her!” And she would suddenly pop her face out and “scare” me. We did this for quite a while and it kept her busy. Her little giggle melts my heart, so we played for a while.
But it was soon time to go. I had several hangers with clothes folded around my arm, my purse around my shoulder, I was pushing the stroller with one hand and the other hand was trying to get Laila out of the clothes racks. My little lady obviously didn’t want to stop playing, so, with all of my belongings I pulled her out of the rack and put her in the stroller. Very unhappily, we started to stroll around.
And then I thought to myself, “I am so that mom with that kid right now!”
It was at that moment I realized I could really use that step-by-step manual for the job! “How to handle a complete meltdown in public.” or maybe a chapter on how “playing in the clothes racks is completely normal” would be nice to flip to.
But, that was when a woman… a complete stranger… came up to me and said, “You’re a good mom.” She explained to me how she had been watching me from afar for a while and wanted to let me know that she knew exactly how I was feeling. She was a mom too and knew how hard it was shopping with a toddler.
I am not sure if it was the startled look on my face. The sweat dripping out of my forehead. The way I was struggling to juggle everything I was holding. Or the fact that my one-year-old was in the process of making a mess with her popcorn everywhere that I had given her to keep her quiet for a minute — but the fact that she said this to me, changed me.
I am the first to tell you, that I am that mom that has given my child popcorn while shopping at the mall, just so she will stay in her stroller.
I am that mom that has given my baby an otter pop for breakfast.
I am that mom that sometimes just wants to have a pajama day.
I am that mom that has had a screaming child at the grocery store.
I am that mom that has the dirty car with smashed treats and spilled juice in it.
I am that mom that hasn’t washed my hair for five days simply because it takes too long to do.
I am that mom who has snuck into my baby’s room, pulled her out and just held her for a few minutes because I have missed her.
I am that mom who has told my husband I will beat him if he wakes up the baby.
Photo from Pinterest
I am that mom that sometimes turns on the tv for my toddler, just so I can have some quiet time.
I am that mom that still hates poopy diapers, sometimes lets my girl have a dirty face and lets her wear her stained Frozen shirt 5 days in a row.
I am that mom that cries because the day STILL isn’t over.
I am that mom that cries because time just won’t slow down.
I am that mom that would rather be with my family than with friends.
I am that mom that sings Kids Bop Pandora all day, every day.
I am that mom that has wanted to hibernate in the corner and never leave my house again.
I am that mom that has wanted to leave the house just because I needed some fresh air.
I am that mom that loves hugs, cuddles and kisses.
I am that mom that said I would NEVER be THAT mom… but am.
Those simple words from a stranger changed me that day. Sometimes as moms, we just need to hear that we are doing a good job. Sometimes we just need to know that someone else knows how we feel and that we aren’t alone. Sometimes it’s nice to know that it is okay to cry, it is okay to complain and it is okay to be down – because being a mom IS hard.
Be the mom you want them to remember. A mistake isn’t who you are. It’s just a bad day, not a bad life and your hard, IS hard.
Photo from Pinterest
A messy house means you have had fun. A dirty car means you have been places. A pile of muddy laundry means you played outside. A stack of unclean dishes means you ate yummy food and a tantrum means you’ve been busy and it is time for a nap.
When you realize you have become that mom – don’t worry. Aren’t we ALL that mom at some point?
AND when all is said and done… THAT mom is actually a good mom!
January 28, 2016 at 5:46 am (9 years ago)What a great article. We all have those days and those moments as a Mom.
Kirstie Ann
December 7, 2014 at 3:43 pm (10 years ago)I loved this article and recently mentioned it in a post of mine! Check it out!
October 25, 2014 at 3:58 pm (10 years ago)I am that mom too! Great encouraging words! And God bless that woman who approached you with those kind words at the mall. Wish more ppl were like her!
Jaime Nicole
October 24, 2014 at 3:22 am (10 years ago)I love this
The message you are sending out is perfect
Danielle Davis
October 24, 2014 at 7:29 pm (10 years ago)That’s so sweet of you Jaime! Thanks so much for your comment.
October 23, 2014 at 11:05 pm (10 years ago)Beautiful post! Seriously, aren’t we all *that* mom at some point or another? I don’t think I know anyone who said they would never be *that* mom who didn’t eventually become *that* mom.
Pinned that quote, because I love it.
katrina g
October 23, 2014 at 9:47 pm (10 years ago)I think most moms do things on those lists, well at least I hope so because I know I do.
October 23, 2014 at 2:54 pm (10 years ago)Great reminders!
Danielle Davis
October 23, 2014 at 5:23 pm (10 years ago)Hi Katie! Thanks so much for your comment!
October 23, 2014 at 2:54 am (10 years ago)Sweet piece! Yes, I too remember some shopping trips when that kind older woman made my day with words like that. There is also a sort of peace to be made with oneself in knowing we’re doing the best we know how as parents, and not parenting to impress the other moms…too much pressure in that.
Danielle Davis
October 23, 2014 at 5:30 pm (10 years ago)Thanks Anne, that is so nice of you! I completely agree that it’s so important as a mom just to worry about our kids and not how we appear to others. Thanks again for your sweet comment.
vidya sudarsan
October 23, 2014 at 1:49 am (10 years ago)Beautiful message here! I love this post. I’m so happy to be a mom too
love my job.
Danielle Davis
October 23, 2014 at 5:31 pm (10 years ago)Hi Vidya! Thanks so much for your kind words. I am so happy to hear that you are happy to be a mom! Keep up the great work!
October 23, 2014 at 12:45 am (10 years ago)It sounds like you are a GREAT mom!
I hope to I’ll be a good mom one day too!
Danielle Davis
October 23, 2014 at 5:32 pm (10 years ago)Hi Eileen! That’s so sweet of you! I know you’ll be a great mom! Thanks for your comment today!